
 Vegetarianism existed in ancient and Eastern cultures. Pythagoras did not eat meat, and Ancient Egyptian priests involved in certain mystical rituals. Europeans discovered for myself a vegetarian 40 years of XIX century. At least in 1847 in Britain there was the first society vegetarians.

Scarf - a stylish accessory

With the perception of vegetarianism is the case we have a very ambiguous. Most likely, the fact that vegetarianism is almost never walks alone. Most often it is a consequence of certain religious, mystical or philosophical beliefs. In Russia, vegetarianism strongly addicted followers of Tolstoy (together with the ideas of non-resistance to evil), practiced a number of religious sects (such as the Doukhobors and beloriztsy). To date, vegetarianism - the attribute of those who engaged in yoga, and the followers of a number of environmental movements. However, in the west of vegetarianism is increasingly gaining momentum as a common health practices, devoid of ideological burden. But even in this form of vegetarianism causes a lot of questions and disputes.

"I did not eat"

So, those who are in favor of vegetarianism, the following arguments.

Vitamin and mineral. The main advantage of its type food vegetarians, of course, referred to health. It is axiomatic that the body receives a large number of vegetarians minerals and vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, magnesium. But, cholesterol from fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, in the fruit and vegetable diet take nowhere. In fact, this situation means that vegetarians are much less than meat-eaters are threatening cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis.

Energy.With modern sedentary people enough of the energy that they get from vegetables. And in general, think vegetarians, people in the developed countries eat much more than they really need. With this hard to argue: it is known that the more modest (up to a certain limit, of course) daily servings of man, the greater the duration of his life. Truth on one condition: if the power is balanced, and the body receives the necessary dose of vitamins and minerals.

Ethical.If the meat-eaters show what happens in slaughterhouses, many of them could not eat the meat of disgust, consider vegetarians. For economic reasons, animals are often slaughtered in a totally inhumane conditions.

Physiological.This argument - one of the most controversial and surprising. As it turns out, the features of human anatomy and physiology and chemical processes to bring it more herbivores than to carnivores. Thus, the lack of claws and a weak concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach leads to the conclusion that human nature has deprived the necessary "tools" for eating meat and assimilation. In addition, the length of the intestines of carnivorous animals 3 times the length of the body, while in humans and herbivores - 6 times or more. Therefore, the body of carnivores meat output quickly without releasing toxins that hinder the work of the kidneys.

"They do not like animals, they hate plants"

Of course, opponents of vegetarianism was not in debt. Taunts regarding ethics, we put aside, let us only issues related to the health and well-being.

The first thing pushing doctors - is the lack of vegetarian food of certain substances. If the lack of protein can still make up daily in your diet including nuts and beans, then the lack of amino acids can only accept. Because of the refusal of milk and dairy products, the body lacks vitamin B2. Older vegetarians may lack iodine.

In addition, you must make allowances for climate. Still vegetarianism originated in the southern warmer climates. However, the people of the north, the less fruit and vegetables in his diet for purely climatic reasons. Well, do not make the Chukchi vegetarian, no matter how hard you try.

But most of all objections is the fact that a vegetarian lifestyle is designed for the average healthy person. For example, vegetarianism does not account for the needs of athletes, pregnant women, children and adolescents, the elderly, people with existing diseases luggage. Therefore, if you so desire to join the ranks of vegetarians - consult with a nutritionist. At least, the doctor will determine your individual features and let you know what the priority products should be observed in your diet.

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Types of vegetarianism:
Veganism does not allow the consumption of meat, fish, eggs, milk and eggs. "It is unacceptable is what has eyes" - Pythagoras believed. And under the laws of strict vegetarianism and even then, they produce with eyes.
Laktovegetarianstvo - allows the use of milk and dairy products. It provides the body with calcium.
Ovo-lacto vegetarianism - allows the addition of milk, and eating more eggs. This provides the body with calcium and vitamin B12.
Mladovegetarianstvo give more concessions: you can occasionally eat fish and white meat birds.
Frutorianstvo - diet based on fruits and berries. Admitted, however, grains, nuts and even tomatoes with eggplant.

Elena Uvarov / MedPortal

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