Gift Horoscope 2007

 The tradition of celebrating the New Year was in ancient Babylon. In those days, and that was almost 4000 years ago, meeting the New Year, people having fun on for 11 days. By the way, the coming year will be 2007 in Europe and other Western countries. In Israel - a 2550-th, 1385 Muslims minutes or 1463rd. It will be the youngest in Japan - 19 m. For many years the Christian church, believing this holiday devils, forbidding people to have fun. Until now, the most important holiday in Europe believe Christmas and New Year is celebrated modestly.

But in all countries, whether it is Christmas or New Year, to give presents. And at Christmas and New Year we expect from their loved ones something unusual. We are waiting for a miracle. Miracles every person perceives differently, depending on their character and temperament, depending on how the stars are arranged to it. We hope that our horoscope will help you navigate and select a gift according to the signs of the zodiac.


Ambitious Aries is not necessary to give things bought on the occasion or on sale - it is sure to know and be offended. It is better to give him something real, live - a rare green plant or a parrot in a cage. Willingly accept Aries and jewelry from natural stones.


Hardworking Taurus suit cute little things that can decorate it everyday work: elegant desk clock, pen with a gold pen or a small picture frame in which it may put your portrait and.


Gemini adore witty gifts - surprises, and to please them, will have to work hard. Warmer-funny squeaker, firecrackers, set seemingly incompatible objects together, united by a common element - your imagination is where carousing really.


Cancers - are big fans of comfort and coziness. Therefore, give them something soft and warm. For example, a blanket made of camel hair, wool socks or mittens handmade. To Cancers feel your concern for their comfort, suitable as well some useful domestic appliances - juicer or blender.


Despite the fact that the Lions pretend that they do not care they expect from you a truly royal gift. If Leo - a woman, she wants to get a piece of jewelry - necklace or ring with a diamond. Man - Leo will not refuse to take you on an envelope with a small amount in a convertible currency.


Virgin have varied interests, so the choice of gift will depend on how well you know the life and habits of the individual. They can cheer and CD - ROM with a selection of your favorite tunes, a thick volume encyclopedia on the marine theme, a string of beads of carnelian agate or.


Scales do not like exotic gifts and instruments to which is attached a thick user's manual in an incomprehensible language. They need a gift that will please their beauty and support a sense of harmony, more peculiar to this sign. Best of all, if it is a piece of art - painting, or just an album with a collection of reproductions of famous artists, vintage service or product of contemporary art.


Scorpio with his desire to amaze and discourage you from waiting for a gift that will help him once again to stand out from the crowd. Give him a good bottle of brandy, a mobile phone with an unusual design, or a wristwatch with a set of dials and straps that it will change depending on your mood.


Sincere and charming Sagittarians will be glad to any gift they will appreciate all your efforts. Collection of detective stories, music box, even a simple greeting on the phone - for Sagittarius roads is not a gift, but a sign of attention.


Capricorn loves everything enigmatic and mysterious. Give him a telescope and maps of the starry sky. Really liked him and mysterious lights in which something is floating, and turns off. Suitable as a set of puzzles or a book about unidentified flying objects.


Aquarians are prone to genius gladly accept a gift camera, a camera or a new computer game, all that will help them to develop their analytical mind and give a reason for the emergence of new and original ideas.


Impressionable Pisces love to receive gifts that carry the peace and harmony. They fit albums for photos, films about animals, jewelry made of stones that can serve as a talisman them - white and black pearls, amethyst, emerald and tourmaline.

Tags: gift, horoscope

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