Feng Shui bedroom

 It is no secret that the bedroom - that's the real center of the house, where important decisions and plan for the future. It is not surprising that the situation bedroom affects our health, well-being and sexual life. Turn bedroom in a secluded quiet area - a kind of "haven" - it will certainly affect your state of mind, emotional and sexual energy. Here are some tips on how to build a harmonious bedroom on the principles of Feng Shui.  

Use these guidelines for setting up and decorating your own bedroom - sure in the near future you are waiting for change for the better! So how do you keep the passion in marital relationships and achieve well-being?

Bedroom feng shui

Do not make the mistake pervasive today - do not turn the bedroom into the office. It is not necessary to let in their personal space outside world. Bedroom, alcove - a place for rest, relaxation, intimacy and romance. The bedroom should be a place of fatigue and irritation. Remove all items from the room and images (pictures, photos), one way or another is associated with loneliness, conflicts, quarrels and contradictions. Remember that mess and clutter of unnecessary items contrary to the principles of feng shui and repels the positive energy chi. Place your order in the bedroom, remove the extra items to make room for positive emotions and new constructive relationship. The door to the bedroom should be free to open and close - it symbolizes new opportunities. Together with the trash you remove from the bedroom outdated attitudes that pull you back. Do you want new experiences and relationships - Remove the bedroom! Exemption of physical space symbolizes the extension of intellectual and emotional, which improves mood and attracts positive energy. 

The bedroom should be open to the constant influx of positive chi energy, stimulating love life. Location of windows and doors need to be considered. To create a romantic atmosphere use fresh or silk flowers and candles. Peons symbolize loyalty and devotion that makes them the ideal decoration for bedroom feng shui. Most importantly, remember that the colors should be at least three, and not a single flower. Round mirror represent unity and fulfillment of desires - the perfect element of the decor bedroom. Pink color in Feng Shui symbolizes the philosophy of love and desire, so in the decoration of the bedroom it is desirable to use objects pink or red. Do not forget to decorate the bedroom candles - they help create a pleasant romantic atmosphere, exude a warm and exciting flavor - what could be better for an evening with your loved ones? Also be aware of such "pathogens" as light relaxing music (preferably instrumental), massage oils, silk bed linen and underwear. 

How to arrange the bedroom feng shui

-Staraytes Not be installed in the bedroom equipment - computers, televisions and video consoles. If you really can not do without your favorite TV, hide it behind a screen or in a cabinet.

-On Skimp on a wide comfortable bed. Choose a bed of wood (not metal!), Because metal conducts electricity, and it repels the positive energy chi.

-Polzuytes Soft linens and bedspreads pastel colors.

-Do Not keep large plants in the bedroom.

-Don't Let the accumulated debris in the bedroom.

-Bedroom - Not a place for aquariums and fountains.

-If The bed is opposite the door, around the bed to create an invisible protective line using feng shui crystal beads.

-At Night necessarily zashtorivayte window or lower the curtain, and the day the bedroom should do the sunlight, bringing positive energy. Curtains should be easy to open and close.

-To Update chi regularly change the sheets. This is consistent with the principles of Feng Shui, not only, but also for hygiene reasons.

-Ozhivite Situation bedroom décor with red, because red - the color of love and warmth. Red pillow or candle can transform a room beyond recognition.

-In The children's bedroom all toys and clothes need to lay out the boxes and cabinets, they should not lie across the room. Ceiling child's bedroom can be decorated with decorative stars.

Colors bedroom feng shui

The golden rule of feng shui - the decor in the bedroom should not present too saturated and vivid, haunting color. Create a calm, relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom contribute to the muted shades of purple, lilac, yellow, blue, white and gray. According to Feng Shui, a dream - an activity yin, so colors bedroom should not be a violation of the exciting and peace of mind. The bedroom should also be possible to avoid sharp angles and geometric shapes. The right combination of colors decor, lighting and furniture will help create a warm soothing atmosphere.

Location furniture on Feng Shui

The bed should be positioned so that it was equal partners to implement space relationship. Placing furniture around the bed, remember that the higher the furniture (for example, a wardrobe) should be placed to the left of the bed, and low (eg, night table) - right. Space in the foot of the bed should remain free not to close outlook and not blocking the path of inspiration.

The bed should be turned to the door to lying on it could be seen entering. Do not place the bed near the window. Do not place a mirror opposite the bed - his place beside him. Instead of chandeliers on the ceiling, use a few table lamps or sconces to light was not sharp and glaring, and hushed and soothing. Also remember that the bed should always be positioned against the wall. Also, Feng Shui does not recommend to hang bedside different shelves or cabinets.

If you are the proud owner of a bedroom with a bathroom and toilet, the bathroom door should always be covered. According to the principles of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to sleep with his feet toward the door - it supposedly leads to an outflow of energy. Also not recommended to sleep head to the north. The ideal shape of the windows on feng shui - the octagon or arch. Particularly favorable in terms of feng shui is the south-western part of the bedroom - you can light scented candles and burn incense. In this part, is strictly prohibited to install the computer, TV, or other equipment fitness equipment. Do not store things in the space under the bed - here stockpile of positive chi energy, which provides strong contented sleep.

Tags: bedroom

Feng Shui bedroom