Beauty fingertips

 Even if you are not able to regularly visit a nail salon, do not worry. Maintain the nails and skin of the hands in tidy condition can own, the main thing - to remember a few simple rules.

1. Do housework gloves

Of course, every time wear gloves to wash the glass, too tiring. But if the utensils accumulated total will sink or wash bath, stove, be sure to wear gloves. By prolonged contact with hot water and detergent nails become brittle, start to exfoliate. Skin of the hands is also not beneficial. If you are not comfortable working in thick household gloves, buy a package of fine health - they can be found in pharmacies and supermarkets.

2. Do not forget to use hand cream

Place the tube of cream next to the sink in the kitchen and in the bathroom - so it will be easier to remember that you must moisturize your hands every time after contact with water.

3. Protect your skin on the street

Even now, in the spring, when the seemingly warm outside, it is best to wear thin gloves. This will protect your skin from wind and cold. Before leaving the house, but not less than half an hour, spread hand cream.

4. Do not use metal nail files

Buy better glass, ceramic, Teflon-coated. Metal nail files are too rough and destroy the structure of the nail, it begins to stratify and crumble. Mineral and glass nail files credited to seal a remarkable property, "solder" edge of the nail, thereby protecting it from the bundle. Metal blades to move aside cuticle is also better set aside. Orange sticks will help to give the cuticle neat appearance is not worse, but it does not leave any scratches and wounds on the nail or the skin.

5. Buff nails are not more often than once every two weeks

This applies polishing nail files, which remove rather large layer of the nail. If you use them often, nails istonchatsya and will break. Light, the most recent, smooth polished nails can be treated more often to give them shine

6. Do not cut cuticles

First, it protects the nail root from bacteria and dirt. Secondly, the systematic removal of the cuticle begins to grow faster and become much coarser. So if you never cut the skin around the nail, it is best to do the so-called European manicure, in which cuticles pushed back gently with a soft damp cloth or a wooden stick. You can use special tools to remove the cuticle. And do not forget to regularly lubricate the cuticles with oil or cream - this is the best way to maintain healthy skin. If the cuticle has grown very much and really need to be removed, do it with small sharp scissors, wiped with alcohol. Remember: you can only cut the dead skin!

7. Apply a colored lacquer on the basis of
Application of colored lacquers directly to the nail may change its natural color. Use basis. Select the one that is right for your nails: the foundation also heals them. In addition, on the basis of lacquer goes smoother.

Tags: nail beauty tip

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