Magic callanetics

 "Ten lessons Callanetics make you ten years younger! "- Says the American Callan Pinckney, which is already over fifty. And she can be trusted because she invented this amazing static type of fitness - slow, requiring no sudden movements and energetic jumps. On behalf of the Callan formed and the name is now widely known throughout the world.

Pinckney was born with crooked legs and thigh strain. For a long time, trying to overcome the shortcomings of the figures, studied ballet and diving. A gain experience, has created its own unique methodology, harmoniously combining elements such incongruous, seemingly kinds of fitness, yoga, African dance and ballet.

"Gymnastics awkward postures"

Static postures and streytching - these are the two pillars on which stands callanetics. Duration - 60 minutes. After the mandatory workout - the bulk of which consists of special exercises (including breathing). With their help, everything worked muscle groups, even those whose existence we sometimes did not know. There is not one part of the body, which would have stayed away from work.

The duration of each exercise - from 30 to 100 seconds, and its essence is to ensure that a person dies in a certain position. On the part of training seems simple, even
primitive; but in fact a novice is difficult to withstand even 15 seconds in a static position. No wonder Americans are called Callanetics "awkward postures gymnastics!"

Your way to success

During exercise is very important to follow the breath: let it be smooth, without delay, otherwise the body will not get the required portions of oxygen, and muscle - power. For lessons Callanetics not always wear sports uniforms; it is important that the clothes were free and the freedom of movement. As for the music, it must be peaceful and quiet, relaxing. Some even believe the best music for Callanetics silence. To properly fix its own motion, it is desirable to engage in front of the mirror.

Catching up on their own, it is important not to overdo it: it is better not to force her body, forcing him to that to which it is not yet ready. And do not be upset if after the first few sessions of weight loss will not be noticeable weight or increase slightly. This is normal, because muscle weighs more than fat. Height offsets muscle weight loss in the initial stage of training; over time, the weight begins to decrease fast enough.

Red light

To date, Callanetics, probably the most versatile type of training is suitable for people of any build and all ages. Contraindication can serve the postoperative period (start classes can only be one year after surgery), serious eye problems, asthma, hypertension, and had not yet settled at an early age the menstrual cycle. Partial restrictions are necessary for those who suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

Wonder fitness

The positive impact of this kind of fitness on the body can not be overemphasized. With Callanetics easy to "wake up" your metabolism; it is working fine the problem areas, burns fat, improves posture, exercise flexibility, calms the nerves and treat low back pain. Fundamental and very important difference between this type of training other is no load on the spine and cardiovascular system. According to experts, one hour sessions Callanetics as effective as 24 (!) Hours of study traditional aerobics. But the achievement of results is only possible with regular workouts. After callanetics - it's just fitness, not magic.

Olga Egorova

Tags: Callanetics

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