Hit the coming season. Cosmetics from minerals.

 The unusual properties of mineral makeup discovered back in the 70s. It was found that powder of minerals can completely mask the defects and redness of the skin during its recovery after surgery or laser resurfacing. And it does not cause irritation.

What can the stones, worn to a powder?

Hollywood could not stay away from such a miracle. And when a former producer of films and Broadway musicalsJane Ayrdayl released the nominal line of mineral makeup Jane Iredale, she instantly fell in loveSarah Jessica Parker andSusan Sarandon. And as soon as
USA was established brand of mineral make-up products id Bare Escentuals, she immediately appeared in the dressing room of the series "Friends", and then the personal beauticians Jennifer Aniston andCourteney Cox.


Not surprisingly, when the lion's share of famous actresses confesses his love to mineral makeup, and Estheticians announce its almost the only option for sensitive and problematic skin, the development of long-term trends and join cosmetic giants.

«Mineral powder lays down a thin layer of light, but it is perfectly disguises flaws, though above the skin and has worked corrector and concealer - explains Svetlana Udalova leading makeup artist L'Oréal Paris in Russia. - Under a powdered skin breathe - it does not clog pores, perfectly absorbs sebum and do not deprive your skin glow. "

For all these miracles have to thank precisely minerals. In conventional make-up products are also usedmineral components (Eg, titanium oxide is present in virtually all foundation cream). But that was called mineral makeup on the right, it should not contain talc, waxes, oils, ftolatov, fragrances, parabens and other preservatives.

The latter, incidentally, mineral make-up and do not need - a row of stones has antiseptic properties. Artificial colorants in cosmetics is also found mineral substitution is used for this purpose, in particular iron oxide. And instead of sunscreens it added zinc oxide - its ability to reflect the sun's rays and protect the skin equates to an SPF of 15.

Some products contain more and precious or semi-precious stones - amethyst, citrine, tourmaline, aquamarine, diamond. They improve blood circulation and increase the brightness of the natural color of the face. Not surprisingly, in the United States - a country obsessed with beauty and a healthy lifestyle, not a single recorded case of this addiction to these colored powders.

In all directions

Although outwardly mineral powder and shadows do not differ from the usual, the difference still exists. For example, the deposition rate -Mineral Powder does not require the use of pre-corrector and tone, and spend money - even to create intense makeup enough just a pinch of powder.

"Impose powder need thick brush in a circular motion from the bottom up - advises Udalova. - Feel free to use it for the eye area - it will mask facial wrinkles. "

With mineral blush should be careful - on the skin look brighter natural pigments, so do not forget to shake off the excess brush. But with shadows can not stand on ceremony: they are easy to mix, do not go rough brushstrokes and not falling into the crease.

But despite all the wonderful propertiesmineral makeupAt night it should be flush. But no special funds for this purpose is required.


List of the most popular components of mineral makeup.

Titanium dioxide. This white powder hides skin imperfections and keeps moisture in it and gives the properties of loose powder foundation.

Zinc oxide. This most famous mineral, has long been used in sunscreens (SPF 15 provides it) has also antiseptic properties.

Boron nitride. For an amazing glow and "soft focus effect", which it attaches to the skin, this component is called the "Rolls Royce" among the minerals.

Iron oxide. This natural pigment is able to create a range of diverse, as close as possible to the natural shades of face powder.

Diamond powder. As in jewelry, in cosmetics diamond task - to shine. And in micronized form, it also prevents skin aging.

Aluminosilicates. Mica well softens the skin and makes it silky to the touch. And thanks to its reflective properties, it gives the skin a radiance without shine.

Tags: cream, cosmetics, mineral, mica

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