Sex without love

 In our time, the word "sex without love" no one is surprised ... But it does not mean that such sex is acceptable to all. Although someone may be, it remains the only possibility of emotional and physical discharge ... So what is sex without love?

Someone heard the words "sex without love" curled his lips: "Ugh, how can you - to sleep with a man, which does not feel any sense", and will be right. And someone, for example, a young man of eighteen, ready to have sex with any more or less pretty woman proudly boast: "And so what? OK - sex without love. I still do not love what I now - not to engage in sex ?. "
Of course, each judge with his bell. But one thing is for sure: it will take time, and the young man grow up, be a man not in saline and in a moral sense. And sex without love lose their attraction for him, though, may not go away from his life. He realizes that this sex - only mechanical satisfaction of animal instincts, after which it is impossible to experience happiness and joy, we can only forget this next little affair.
Yes, probably, the partner may be skillful in bed lady, and our youth will suffer all the charm of a multiple orgasm and understand for themselves: "Yes, this girl is very good at sex." And then what? There are several scenarios:

1. A girl after sex, it is very often the case, the partner inflamed tender feelings. She constantly nazvanivaet him, seeking a meeting. For him, these relations - a burden. He already and forgot to think about how little episode for him, and now she is constantly flickers before his eyes. How it will end, we can assume: a young man in a gentle manner will shirk from meeting this girl. Either immediately give her lapel turn quite strongly that, of course, is not very nice. Or, if he myagkoharakterny, from time to time to meet with this girl for intimate meetings, and nothing more. It's pretty humiliating for women.

2. In contrast, the guy after sex immediately or after some time realizes that this girl he really care about the. A girl does not care before, because by nature it - a lover of sexual pohozhdeniy.I then the guy guy risks exhaust yourself a lot of nerves and catch a sexually transmitted disease.

3. Man and woman "posnoshalis" and then fled in search of another partner. In general, the paint here and there is nothing.

4. A man and a woman after casual sex still denied saying that "sex is not a reason for dating," liked each other not only as sexual partners, but also just a human being, started dating, and now they have sex on a true love. This is the preferred scenario.
In fact, the options may be more - life is unpredictable thing.
And, probably, all the better to 0taki will find someone who is very nice to you, and then have sex with him. So you can avoid emotional trauma and probable, and sexually transmitted diseases!

Tags: girl, love, sex, partner, boy

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