What if ripped diet

 I think that many women feel a sense of shame when, honestly and courageously "after sitting" on a diet a week or two, they suddenly disrupted and load up to dump on someone's birthday, corporate events, if not without reason. What to do in these cases, so as not to lose confidence in themselves and not buy hardly dropped pounds tells member of the American Association of Gerontology Mila Kletskaya.

"The situation should not be dramatized. From time to time we all have, or very much want to go "left." And it does not "deadly", unless such campaigns do not become the norm. Therefore, in order not to become discouraged by these failures, do not blame yourself for weakness and cowardice, before you change your diet, plan future "breakdown" in advance.

Schedule yourself, for example, Initially for 2-3 days in the month when you will take the soul, of course, not naedyatsya and not getting drunk to death. What matters is how you behave after. I offer you a prescription.
The next day after the holiday binge eating in the morning must be sure to do an enema and drink on an empty stomach at least a glass of hot water as much as possible. In the afternoon, it is desirable not to eat anything but sit on the so-called liquid diet. It may be sugar juice (preferably diluted or sour apple) and vegetable broth.

The latter is very easy to prepare: Throw all the vegetables that look for, lots of parsley, dill, cilantro, celery in a three-liter saucepan, cover with cold water and simmer with the lid closed on low heat until vegetables are tender. Drop them in the fridge. Tomorrow they will be useful for vegetable pancakes. A decoction drink during the day.

Generally, if such a broth will become a regular guest at your table, your appetite will plummet because the body will get all the necessary minerals and trace elements. No salt, as it is contained in celery enough. By evening, those who die of hunger, you can eat a small bowl of rice boiled in water, it is best to brown.
"Excellence" at night can make another enema.

Drink water throughout the day, but just remember that it should be a warm, almost hot. So, your day of repentance before the body is finished. For the soul as useful as possible to think about how you are a good person, to list the advantages and thank your body for the mutual understanding with a spirit. "

Andrei Belyakov

Tags: diet

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