How to start training again after long holidays

 How to re-start work on yourself? The question, of course, interesting and complex. When you think about what and how much was eaten, is not just ashamed, and ashamed to horror! And how nice it was to wallow in Lenno holidays in bed with the idea that the day off, the whole country walks, which means that all everyday duties are canceled, including a fitness routine like exercise and diet ...

And New Year smoothly passed in Christmas, Christmas in Old New Year, and, looking back, you know, it's been 7, not 10 th, 14 days from the moment you say happy, "No! "Hard work over his own body, and even more joyful," Yes! "Mama's homemade cake or 6-course dinner in the restaurant with colleagues, and perhaps that, and another, and not once ...

Of course you honestly say to yourself, "That's it! Enough. That was the last time, the last piece or something there still one of those "here doem and again on a diet! "But somehow it always turns out that this turned out to be the penultimate piece or dinner, and the latter was postponed indefinitely.

Where is she, the same New Year's motivation?

Where is the desire to start all over again with a clean slate, but in another way, it is better and better, move to the next level, to reach their ideal? New Year is coming, no longer even the first month is almost finished!

I think about stuff like that says a good half of all women in the world in the New Year period, regardless of the country in which they live, how old they are, what their social position - they all suffer pangs of conscience ... and I'm including.

Who is to blame?

Each of us knows herself. It is sad, but we are. No one, neither mom who bakes cakes so good, no holidays, which last for so long, no friends and colleagues with their eternal sweet gifts ...

What to do?

1. Without self-torture

Do not need to punish yourself and make evil plans starvation diets or kefir for "tomorrow", "day after tomorrow", and then all of next week, when you know that somewhere something necessarily break (how else when you every day give chocolate?), and then feel even worse ... It is better to start again to accustom themselves to the idea that you will gradually, easily and discreetly, not just "go back" and to adapt themselves to the new already own. Because you keep your word in front of his body in the New Year!

2. Plan training

Start with the fact that currently make a real training plan, taking into account the fact that the last two weeks, you will most likely not trained, but only ate and drank. And a lot and, basically, that in "normal" life, you seemed to be a nightmare for your waistline.

3. Focus on cardio

For example, in the morning and 20 minutes, until no one bothers you, and in the evening you still go back to visit. Plus 2-3 weight training per week (or Pilates or yoga - who, like that).

And remember, you do your best!

Anna Merlino

Tags: holiday, Ambassador

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