Gymnastics for the eyes

 Our eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also a mirror of health. If we do not get enough sleep, processed, overworked - the eyes will be given us. Red, tired - they do not paint us. How to get rid of fatigue? Women's magazine JustLady offers a set of exercises specifically for the eyes.  

 1. Sit up straight. Hands on his head. On the inhale dilute elbows to the sides, as much as possible to squeeze head to the palms; exhale bring your elbows forward (run 2-3).

 2. Sit up straight. Take hold of the chair seat and lift the shoulders up as high as possible and drop them relaxed (perform 2-3 times).

 3. Hands on the table, back straight. Bend in the chest, bring the blade back and relax (original position). Run 2-3.

 4. Sitting at the table, hands squeeze the struggles of some standing object on it and let go, relax the hand (run 2-3).

 5. Turns head: slowly from side to side, up and down (run 2-3).

 6. Tilt your head slowly to shoulders.

 7. Look at the monitor for 2-3 seconds to transfer a look at the window, look for 3-5 seconds.

 8. Select the object in the distance. Focus look to see fine details when will be able to translate view at the tip of the nose.

 9. Squeezed his eyes shut his eyes for 3-5 seconds, then open them for 3-5 seconds (repeat 2-3 times).

 10. Fast blinking for 1-2 minutes.

 11. Close the eyelids. Massage them in a circular motion with your finger for 1 minute.

 12. Three fingers of each hand are easy to press on the upper eyelid. After 1-2 seconds to remove fingers with age (repeat 2-3 times).

 13. Cover tightly and wide open eyes (perform 2-3 times, slowly).

 14. View Down, Up, Right, Left not turning his head (perform 2-3 times).

 15. Rotate your eyes around, trying to see as much as possible on both sides.

 16. Close your eyes relax eyelids and the eyeball.

 17. The final exercise: eyes closed take a deep breath and opened his eyes - a deep breath.

Anna S.

Tags: gymnastics

Gymnastics for the eyes
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