5 features a stylish restaurant

 Restaurant than good manners different from the usual fast food, experts tell the capital - the director of restaurants "Vogue Cafe" and "Biscuit" Mikhail Petukhov and co-owner of the restaurant "Gallery" Gideon Weinbaum  

1 Food

Fashion for frilly cuisines - Japanese, Italian, French - behind. Tired of consumers and complex dishes, when one plate fit fish, meat and even under some tricky sauce. Now all became himself: meat does not pretend fish, fish - meat and tomato - dessert. Today on the table - just a very fresh food. Sea bass caught in the morning, served at the table for dinner. If this meat, you will certainly fresh face. Fruits and vegetables - those that rely on the season. A few years ago in the restaurant was a fashion sauce, consisting of 150 ingredients. Now to order this dish is considered bad form. But we can safely require a glass of ordinary yogurt - will bring!

2 Interior

For the people. The decoration of this institution reflects the personality of the designer, but not annoying visitors unnecessary luxuries. The main thing here is not wallpaper, and customers: famous, beautiful and interesting people. Optimal style - modern restaurants "Spring», Vogue CafO and "Gallery": it is - simple lines and bright warm colors. Color, wall, different Circuits and chips do not interfere, do not "look at the plate," but provide a nice background for a meal and conversation.

3 The wine list

Italy and the New World are now the fashion for wine. Among the visitors are not taken to overspend, as before. Today in favor reasonable combination of price and quality: to and tasty, and inexpensive, and nezakovyristo. Well, who remember, say, "Chateau Prshon-Longueville-Contessa De Lalande"? Once the computer. But "Brunello" just remember. Therefore, in the fashion of Italian wines with simple names. Their quality is no worse than their French brothers honored, but cheaper at least two times. The same applies to wines from South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.

4 cocktails and juices

Today drink stylish man - juices and soft drinks. Well, at the worst alcoholic. Lime, cucumber, carrot, celery, kiwi - from all of this make fresh juice and allowed to cocktails. Favorite drink writer Hemingway - mojito - now a little out of fashion, but the "dudes" it is still loved and drink. Most squeak - juice from wheat germ. And it is quite fashionable, if the restaurant has lemonade.

5 Prices

Here is the main trend incredible time checks in restaurants passed. Cost of bills per person (starter, main course, dessert, a glass of wine, a cup of coffee) should not exceed 50 - 70 dollars. If for a modest dinner with you will require $ 100 - this is bad taste. Hussars without reason - sign fool.


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5 features a stylish restaurant
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