How to find out who in the world all the sweeter, all ruddy and whiter?

 Skin color can tell you about many things: about the habits and human health, nationality and age. Undoubtedly, the color of the skin of each person is different and depends on many factors, hereditary, hormonal body, health and lifestyle.  

Scientists have discovered a gene that plays a central role in the formation of the color of human skin. During the investigation it was found - a gene responsible for dark skin, a much older! Bright color of northern peoples - just a reaction device. Light skin under reduced sunlight enables to produce vitamin D in the skin, the absence of which in the organism leads to the development of many diseases, primarily rickets.

The main "dye" skin in our body - the pigment melanin. It is produced in the skin and is stored there. The more his body produces, the darker the skin. This pigment consists of three basic colors - yellow, brown and black. The most intense black melanin - eumelanin, brown - fakomelanin, yellow - feomeolanin. The combination of these pigments is born unique skin and hair color.

By the way, feet and hands do not contain melanin at all, so people with different skin color hands and feet are always bright. Albinos - people who as a result of genetic disorders of melanin in the body does not produce. The formation of melanin in the body proper hormonal influences (a certain amount of thyroid hormones, adrenal glands, gonads), the consumption of vitamins, exposure to chemicals (based on iron, zinc, copper), ultraviolet radiation, exposure to radiation.

Melanin in the body performs a vital function of protecting the skin from various aggressive factors: UV radiation aggression chemical factors. Melanin neutralizes the effect of the above factors as well as chemically binds toxic molecules and leads them, as well as the mechanical structure shields the skin from solar radiation. These properties of melanin actively studied by physicians. At the moment it comes to creating a drug based on melanin, which can be used in neurology, dermatology, oncology.

How is influenced by the amount of melanin in the quality of life? A proven fact - the inhabitants of the southern countries, owners of dark skin, a very low percentage of skin cancer even in areas constantly exposed to sunlight. In contrast, the residents of the Nordic countries, the holders of a light skin, a high incidence of skin cancer.

Proteinaceous material, gives the skin an extra yellow. Keratin is found in the skin, hair and nails. The greater the concentration of keratin tissue, the higher the degree of keratinization. For example, in the hair keratin contained 97%.

Blood vessels
Skin color, you can determine how it feels. Pink Leather indicates a good blood filling and excellent work capillaries. In the skin are the arterial vessels, they have a bright pink color, as are "rich" oxygenated blood. The closer the arterial vessels located to the skin surface, the brighter the color of the face.

Vienna is somewhat deeper arteries, but are able to "show through" through the surrounding tissue, because they have a dark blue color - they are "poor" oxygenated blood. This, in part, can be attributed to hereditary tendency to the appearance of "dark circles" under the eyes.

A very interesting fact: temperamental people can very quickly blush and pale in the corresponding stress. Emotions are always associated with the release of certain hormones in the blood, for example, adrenal hormone adrenaline. This amazing substance is primarily a stimulating effect, they say, the blood "boils in my veins." Adrenaline increases vascular tone, they are narrow, so a person in a state of anger for a few seconds turns pale and then red - this is vasodilatation.

Skin thickness
The skin is varying in thickness depending on the type, age, skin cell's ability to upgrade. Exfoliates surface skin cells of the epidermis create a certain thickness of cover and in some way determine the tone of the face, as different reflect sunlight! Accordingly, the slower the updated cell, the complexion is darker. In case of violation of cell renewal (a slowing of the process is observed after 30 years) skin color may acquire a grayish hue. To normalize the complexion using creams with fruit acids, retinol, active peels on the basis of the same components.

Way of life
The color and condition of the skin - an indicator of the health of the whole organism. It is interesting that during the formation of the body in the womb, skin, nervous system and brain are formed from the same embryonic cells. This relationship persists throughout life, so on any imbalance in the emotional sphere tells primarily the skin. No accident that most of dermatological diseases has neuro-emotional background. Curiously characterizes skin stable expression in the medical profession: "Leather - turned inside the nervous system."

Tags: cute

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