Wife should be like a childhood idol

 Five girls from Soviet films that have influenced an entire generation.
The other day, we sat down to chat with the guys. And, as usual, "suddenly" the conversation turned to women. And then it turned out that the current passion (wife or mistress) of my friends as two drops of water similar to their children's ideals. A notorious 90 - 60 - 90 - it's just dust in the eyes.  

Another old man Freud believed that the foundations are laid in childhood sexuality. But what we have seen in our childhood? On the TV show beauties and Constance Mary Poppins, but not same to sink us pyatiklashkam for adult ladies ?! No, we fell in love with kinodevochek.

Consider the sovereign of our children's thoughts better, and help us psychologist Viktor Ponomarenko, author recognition techniques nature of a person's appearance.

Type 1


The main representative - Little Red Riding Hood ("About Little Red Riding Hood", 1977)

Cheerful adventurer. There is even a suspicion that the optimist. For her, there is no authority that even at a meeting with the wolf will not climb his words. Because in the pocket of her slingshot.

About these boys say, "the guy." And always take the play "cops and robbers" and catch tadpoles in the pond. And on bare knees Amazons pay attention, only to find, who scratches anymore.

Even as a child is able to stop a galloping pony and save the toys from the burning hut.


In these girls fall in love romantic deadhead, after reading adventure novels. But adult "Amazon" disappoint such admirers. It will grow in the forwarder vegetable base, business woman, will be something to sell and "resolve a" difficult situation. She needs a lover not a poet, and a kind of "Indiana Jones", her match. But in real life there are not enough. Therefore adult "Amazons" choice is: either to marry romance and take on a whole load of family concerns - from parenting to making money - or run your life ship in splendid isolation ...

Type 2

"Gray mouse"

The main representative - Kate ("You can not dream," 1980)

Ckromnaya girl, trying to be as inconspicuous.

This is unlikely to wear ultrashort skirt and run with you kiss for school. But it is the exclusive owner of the pathetic sight and pitiful voice.

Hearing teaser about "reflux-boiled-dough" is always red.

Be sure to write poetry, but does not show them to anyone - and suddenly will laugh ?! All catch and skipping rope prefers books about love. And dreams of a prince on a white horse.

Above this just want to take patronage. And next to her, even the most notorious boy feel like a real man.


In the "gray mouse" fall in love with two types of boys. The first type - a minority - confident and love to patronize weak. The second type - the vast majority - the timid young man.

Marriage "gray mouse" with the "strong man" likely does not work out, he will try to pull it behind him and realize that this rolling stone he did not pick up. From anyone who wants to break its measured life, "mouse" will fiercely defend. She is afraid of strangers, and with close can be stubborn and aggressive.

Good Union "gray mouse" + quiet boy. However, as the old-world landowners, they will live homely life in which all planned out. Children they can not be: why bother?

Type 3

"Apple of Discord"

The main representative - Masha ("The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkina", 1983)

You met femme fatale? Exactly such they grow up! Masha has the makings of bitchiness that are not immediately visible because of angelic appearance. Sometimes excessively caustic, loves to read notation. As a rule, the hair braids in two pigtails. Parting - even as the Greenwich meridian.

It is in these girls fall in love with best friend (both), which leads to protracted quarrels and fights to first blood. The boys are ready for any exploits to win her heart cold. Well there to get a cat from a tree or a water pipe in the cold lick. But the rewards for it do not get any. Therefore repeated so often: "Oh, Mary! Okay, okay ... "


The girls of this type is the brightest period - childhood, when she was pleased to manipulate others. But with older men "Masha" build a relationship can not. She remains alone and complains "fate-villain" in the more fortunate bitch ... She could love some simple people. Even if he win her cold heart, this victory will have a taste of defeat. "Masha" always in reproaches, the enemies, and it is difficult to live with it.

Type 4

"Queen of the Court"

The main representative - Mike ("The Adventures of Electronics", 1979)

A student, athlete, member of the Komsomol (in high school probably will!). And, of course, beautiful. Manages and learned to do, and a music school, and a walk in the yard.

With other children, as a rule, the queen. Equally easy to find a common language with exemplary boys and yard bullies. It was she who decides what to play better - hide and seek or classics. But do not Zaznayka not sneak as many other student.


Many boys self-esteem is low. Therefore, the "queen of the court," they are terribly respected. But feared.

Her "half" - a serious boy. But as a teenager, he hides his romantic ardor and modest. If he manages to overcome his fear and approach the "queen", he will receive the grand prize: a great friend, mistress and mother. "Queen of the Court" - this is the most attractive companion of life that will never disappoint your expectations. After all, she was accustomed from childhood to justice. These girls marry once and for all.

Type 5

"Girl with mielofon"

The main representative - Alice Selezneva ("Guest from the Future", 1984)

Mielofon in this case means a puzzle, which by definition should be in every woman. Here in these girls, this is the mystery is born earlier than in all the rest.

Not a beauty: short hair, angular figure, in short, ordinary girl from a parallel class. But always fires the phenomenon of "nothing in it is not, and I look, eye otvozhu."

In this smart and knows a lot. And want to know more.


The "Alice" - problem. All her life she does not know what he wants. Career achievements, and even their own children - all can not meet 'Alice', everyone and everything she needs to remake.

In real life, "Alice" poorly focused. It is usually narrow and strange area of ​​interest. For example, some kind of ornithology. And more than anything she does not understand. Cook "Alice" is not able to. Often a man throws a Martian to fend for themselves. It is very cruel ... If he decides to associate with "Alice" life has to teach her simple everyday things. It's hard work - to turn Martian in the dugout.


Why children love affect adult personal life?

Irina GURENKOVA, family psychologist:

- Here, the principle of imprinting: if something really liked us in early childhood, we remember the subject. Imprinting occurs. Let's say your first love huge blue eyes. Hence, in adulthood, these blue eyes you will "key stimuli": he saw and fell in love. And if a child you were in love with film heroine, maybe you'll fall in love with women similar to it. However, with age and stimulus may change.

Tags: idol, childhood

Wife should be like a childhood idol
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