Hepatitis C

 We often hear about such a dangerous whitening as hepatitis C. But many have no idea what this disease is, how they can be caught and how it is dangerous. We will try to answer this question in this article.

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What is hepatitis C? Small virus, hepatitis C (HCV) - RNA is the genetic material having a coating. He is able to genetically modified, as is constantly mutating. Hence formed six major types of hepatitis C virus as the virus has a high mutation activity in the human body can be more than forty subtypes of hepatitis C, hepatitis B belong to the same course. This is the main factor determining the development of the virus in the body and a chronological map of chronic forms of the disease.

Hepatitis C

Our immune system can not fully control the formation of the desired antibodies, since at the time of their birth in the body produced by other viruses have antigenic properties with adaptable.

At the moment, Russia has5 million carriers of hepatitis CAnd in the world there are about 500 million. This disease is growing rapidly, as the scourge of drug abuse is a major breeding ground for the spread of the virus. About this tells the sad statistics - about 40% of affected youth - drug addicts, using the introduction of drugs into the body injection. One reason for liver transplantation is the chronic form of hepatitis C.

How did this infection can get into our bodies? This is mainly the penetration of contaminated blood virus carrier in the blood of a healthy person. Infected blood flow brings molecule our liver where they actively begin reproduction.

The liver cells are destroyed by the virus as hepatitis C, and the response of the organism. Our immune system produces cells - cells whose job destruction of infected liver cells.

Where you can get hepatitis B? This can occur when tattooing, piercing with, but the main and leading method of infection is drug injection into the body. Infection can be picked up in prison and medical institutions. Sometimes establish reliable information causes the infection is not possible.

Can you get hepatitis C through sexual contact? This option has a very low probability of infection with the orderly conduct of sexual relations, but it is substantially increased when casual sex. So when sexual relationships with people who are carriers of hepatitis C is strongly recommended to use condoms. If a person you do not know, it is more than urgent.

Can hepatitis C is transmitted from mother to child? If the mother is a carrier of hepatitis C virus, the infected fetus in the womb can not (less than 5%). The risk of contracting the virus baby can occur during childbirth, upon passing through the birth canal. Keep it sovreme6nnaya medicine can not.

In most cases, babies are born healthy. Statistics are not recorded as transmission of the virus from mother to child through breast milk. Breastfeeding mothers infected with hepatitis C need to closely monitor the integrity of the mammary glands and the absence of bleeding. Otherwise, breastfeeding is canceled doctors.

Can you get hepatitis C in the home? The virus is not transmitted by speaking, sneezing or saliva. So he can not be transmitted through a handshake, cookware, with food or liquid. People infected with hepatitis C should lead a normal life and do not infringe upon the rights at home and at work. There is a law of liberation from conscripts serve in the armed forces because of infection for hepatitis C.

What tests must pass on the infection of hepatitis C? The first thing you will be offered - an analysis of antibodies to the virus (anti-HCV). This analysis establishes this illness or its presence. This analysis sometimes gives results that are false (false positive or false negative). Therefore it is recommended to do more in-depth study.

Tatiana Skliarenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bruise, hepatitis, gymnastics

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