Do not eat after 18 hours? Misconceptions biorhythmology!

 In most of the recommendations for weight loss there is a dubious piece of advice: do not eat after 18 hours. Why and who is voiced? Most people do not know anything, just mindlessly, with a fanatical belief singing "recommendation." I had to trawl the Internet for a long time until I found the answer to this question, which was all the same: biorhythmology say that people - being the day ... biorhythmology teaches us that the human body is active from sunrise to sunset ....  

Under the heading Diet: Fish Diet

Well, this thesis is quite fair ... in relation to people (in a very limited sense of the term), who lived in the temperate latitudes of tens of thousands of years ago. The man - a very adaptable animal: with the advent of the fire had appeared nightly hunt, part of the work he moved at night time. Man evolved! During evolution, with the emergence and rooting in everyday human activities and new crafts, he developed new blood, whereas previously there was only one. So why Dear biorhythmology still equate us to the ancient sub-humans, refusing to recognize the fact that now there is not one type of people and several, including at night?

Regarding the "activity of the organism from sunrise to sunset," I want them to ask: what about the people living in hot climates, who sleep the night and the day? And if a person "being the day", then how about the inhabitants of the North, who during the polar night, the sun does not rise above the horizon for a period of 23 days to six months? They sleep all the polar night or polls suffer from the inability to live "day-cycle"?

And why is the last date when you can eat it 18 hours? What does the sun? In the summer the sun sets later in the winter - before, so this figure is likely just the arithmetic mean for all seasons. What are these "averages", we can observe everywhere, for example, in calculating the ideal weight tables: for people tonkokostnoe asthenic body type listed in the table ideal weight, often will redundant, but for boned hypersthenics - is insufficient.

What biorhythmology offer to prove its case ("in the winter our body is in a state of hibernation, and the sun sets earlier, so we gain weight") does not hold water. Here, just for instance, the most common scientific evidence why we polneem winter, where the theory and practice everything is in order:

1. In the winter we eat less greens and vitamins.
 Beriberi unbalanced diet + = inhibition of metabolism.
2. In winter, a very pale color palette, dominated by white and gray.
3. In winter, we spend much more time indoors.
 Lack of movement.
4. In winter, we are constantly confronted with the cold.
 When cold body tries to detain fat for protection from hypothermia (therefore among "walruses" man with a slender figure - a very rare occurrence).

The main evidence that biorhythmology in this regard shall be frank delirium, is that they completely ignore the separation of people on types: "The Lark" (completely relevant to the ideal described biorhythmology), "owls" (in which the period of greatest activity occurs vecherom- night) and "doves" (easily adapts to any pace of life). Look - the vast majority of techniques are ideal diet is "larks"! And on "owls" they almost never fail (or trigger with the sign "minus").

Consider a day in the life "Lark": He wakes up at 6 am, well rested and slept. In the morning all systems of his body are included at full capacity, so it's easy (and often - with pleasure or without any stimulation) is engaged in physical exercise. Breakfast with a wolfish appetite, goes to work. Afternoon lunch, about 18-19 pm for dinner. In 22 hours, he begins to "nod", and 23 falls asleep.

After the last meal before going to sleep at the "Lark" is held for 4-5 hours.

Consider a day in the life of Person "owls": After waking up in the morning (or afternoon), regardless of whether he slept or not (though more often - the second), "Owl" does not test any lifting of spiritual and physical strength. His body still asleep, so:

a) physical exercise in the morning are transferred it is very difficult; often after such employment a person feels overwhelmed and tired.

b) Following the logic of most methods of weight loss, the first meal should be dense. The "owl" in the morning almost always have no appetite, but it in good faith "seasoned" (because "as necessary", and in the evening after not sing!).
Result: neprosnuvshiysya body will process food sluggish (about the same as if the person had eaten shortly before bedtime), so part of the food eaten is converted into fat and stored in fat depots.

We go further: in the afternoon, "owl" are often unable to eat normally (Work), and not everyone can come home from work up to 18 hours. Ie often the person remains practically without lunch and no dinner at all ...

In the evening the body "owls" happens all the same, that the "lark" in the morning: all body systems are reaching the limits of their capabilities, wakes up ravenous hunger. The body requires food, stomach allocates a maximum of juice and food ... and never will be!

Normal time interval after the last meal before bedtime is about 4 hours; of Person in "owls" who go to sleep minimum at 0 hours, if he has not eaten after 18, this gap isfrom 6 hours. And if we add to that the almost complete lack of lunch and dinner, and the fact that during the "hunger strike" came in a very active time ... Organism with even more fury to revenge the person begins to overweight.

As proof of this simple example: Try to find at least one person who was able to lose weight, using only "nepitanie after 18 hours." Usually it is a set: "I do not eat after 18 on a diet, do sports". Model the situation: a man, sharply restricting your diet, of course, initially lose weight. But is it worth it to live up to the weekend, when he eats more, and less getting on, as the weight starts to creep up sharply, sometimes even overtaking result prior to weight loss. And if we assume a meeting with friends, holiday, date, a party that are sure to happen sooner or later, then ... Or Rights to strengthen a mockery of themselves by entering into a regime "unloading days" diet, exercise or abandon it.

The last meal (of course, not heavy, which is desirable to make such a breakfast) must be for 4-5 hours before bedtime, no more! Feel free to eat after 18chasov! Remember that if a health plan different diets, the rejection of one meal, day of fasting, fasting days is often beneficial, in terms of weight loss - only harm.

Dmitry Makhno,

Tags: Ambassador, watches, misleading

Do not eat after 18 hours? Misconceptions biorhythmology!
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