5 rules for selecting the perfect gift for a wedding

 Choosing a gift for a wedding - a kind of small exam for care, good taste and imagination. Not all are resolved to take it, often choosing the easiest way envelope with predictable content. We offer you 5 rules for choosing a wedding gift, which will be a kind of cheat sheet and help pass this exam with flying colors.

Rule №1. Be unique. Having decided to present the newlyweds a classic and, in principle, a practical gift, as household appliances for the kitchen, do not rush to take the path of "least resistance". Can be no doubt that such a kitchen unit as a microwave oven or food processor will probably be donated to someone of the guests, and to fill up the same type of newlyweds gifts, making them an apartment in the warehouse equipment and forced to find ways to get rid of "doubles" - not comme il faut . Recommended to show the non-triviality of thinking and pay attention to more interesting options, which, by the way, can be not only functional, but also to make a life of ease and a special flair positive. For example, you can give the coffee machine, which turn into a pleasant awakening ritual, filling the air with the aroma of fresh coffee or dishwasher, liberating young mistress from the boring "duty" to the kitchen sink.

Rule №2. Pay attention to the little things. Have you noticed how the young bride sighs before paintings by contemporary artists, or quickens the future head of the family, when it comes to a digital camcorder? Best gifts give sensitive people who notice the occasional phrase, intonation, catch views and stored even hints. Gifts are selected for this rule - much more than a pleasant courtesies, it is a real dream come true.

Rule №3. Aim for relevance. It is important that the wedding gifts were not only expensive and elegant, but also functional, practical, consistent with the tastes and habits of the newlyweds. For example, faced with a choice, do not just buy a present expensive vase, for which the couple will be in vain to find a place in a modern interior, designed in the style of trendy minimalism. Remember that buying a wedding gift does not tolerate haste, and in a situation where the choice of a present complicated by time pressure or acquires the character of a hopeless puzzles, better give the couple a gift certificate.

Rule №4. Resort to "field research". In a situation where even a feminine flair and an innate intuition does not help determine the ideal gift, the output will be such a trivial thing as communication with parents and relatives of the future "unit of society." Often, it is a wise mother, who is aware of the life of the bride and groom are much better than they themselves tell a great gift option. This rule is effective if you want to present this classic gift as bedding, appliances, or, for example, the piece of furniture or interior. If your goal - a more subtle "matter" - books or albums, romantic trips, rare meeting of movies or music, then the advice you can feel free to contact friends and family the best girlfriends heroes of the occasion.

Rule №5. The gift should be present. Choosing a present and guided by criteria such as practicality and functionality, we must not forget that the gift should be a surprise to surprise and please the newlyweds. Do not neglect this "entourage" as the original packaging, fresh flowers and witty suggestions - things tend to wear out and become obsolete, while the memory retains the most vivid and joyful emotions of a lifetime.

Tags: wedding gift

5 rules for selecting the perfect gift for a wedding
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