Myths about the figure

 We filled his little life myths, because we find in them an excuse their own failures, collapsed hopes and dreams of a slim figure. Or maybe still try to change something?  

The first myth - Slender women get from life and always succeed. They are surrounded by a crowd of fans and rapidly moving up the career ladder, in contrast to the ladies with ugly figure and being overweight.

In fact. The chances of success are different for everyone and does not depend on the build. The winner is not slim, but the one that sets the specific goals and taking active steps to implement them.

Solution. Every woman can improve your body using a focused set of physical exercises or even plastic surgery. However, it is much easier to change the mental attitude. Review your life goals, schedule a concrete action plan for success and do not delay their execution indefinitely.

The second myth - If I had more free time, I would have lost weight.

In fact. Well-organized people find time for anything. It's not the amount of time, and in relation to it, as well as to themselves.

Solution. Become a mistress of his time. Plan your day in advance. Change priorities. For example, instead of watching another TV program join in themselves, do something for your body, just to take a contrast shower. Try to do some household chores with a stopwatch. Set a goal - say, half an hour to disassemble the wardrobe or mezzanine. This will revitalize uninteresting activity and help save precious time.

The third myth - If I was rich, it would support the excellent physical shape in high-end beauty salons and elite fitness centers.

In fact. It's not the money, and, above all, a desire to always be in great shape, self-discipline. Love yourself and take care of yourself and everyone can, and the thickness of the purse is not to blame.

Solution. You can absolutely free run in the mornings or perform simple physical exercises without a trainer.

Climb up to the seventh floor with no lift - it will replace you a ten-minute workout on an expensive trainer. Hour walk at a fast pace over rough terrain burns 210 calories an hour running - 900. The advantages of running and brisk walking are that they can practice e anytime and anywhere. Jogging for 20-30 minutes, or brisk walking for 40-60 minutes, ie three times a week will promote good shape.

Myth Four - If I had the chance, I would have ate only expensive, healthful foods to eat as you wish vegetables and fruits.

In fact. Vegetable products cheaper high-calorie.
Even in winter, all available potatoes, onions and garlic, rice and buckwheat, soybeans and peas. Whereas animal fats, meat and concentrated protein foods are much more expensive, and it is from them and get better.

Solution. Reconsider your dietary habits. Make a list of foods eaten in a week, and have a cost estimate. This will help you to understand the eating habits and to identify those products that 'eat up' your budget and spoil waist. Think about what herbal products to replace high-calorie.

Myth Five - If I had a good family history, I would not look like the figure on the overweight mother and grandmother.

In fact. It has been proved that bad genetics - is not fatal, it can be corrected. You only transmitted predisposition to be overweight, but not the overweight. Lifestyle and nutrition affect the appearance of no less than heredity.

Solution. You can, of course, be attributed to genetics and continue to get better. But wiser still to revise incorrect eating habits, imposed since childhood. Bring in your life more physical activity. If you start to train the body, the muscles gradually replace the fat, and your figure from these changes significantly benefit. Even with heavy build you will look much more attractive.

Myth Six - If I ate only natural products rather than solid chemistry, the accumulated slag would go away by themselves, and I would noticeably thinner.

In fact. Almost all of the products that we eat contain chemicals, more or less high degree of toxicity. In meat contains hormones and drugs. Preservatives, coloring agents, emulsifiers are part of the products that we use every day: bread, pastries, cheeses, sausages and so on. D. Even useful fruits and vegetables in one degree or another stuffed with pesticides and herbicides. In other words, each chemistry has eaten a piece of us.

Solution. Output is still there. It is necessary to neutralize the possible inclusion of chemical and help the body to remove them. In parsley, spinach, dill and other greens contain chlorophyll, which has detoxifying and antimutagenic effect. The same effects have healing vitamins A, C and E and, of course, the products containing them. Especially active tocopherol (vitamin E), so germinated seeds of wheat, in which it is contained in a large number of perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and mutagens.
Herbal products have strong radioprotective properties due to their content of soluble fiber - pectin.

Many vegetables, fruits and berries are also perfectly cleanse the body of heavy metals and other chemicals.

Myth Seven - If I was not married, I would not have children, then I could have more time and energy to give to your health and figure.

In fact. It's not the marital status, and in relation to themselves. If you mean something for yourself, you are sure to find an opportunity to do.

Solution. Take your family members as allies, make a wellness program. Joint activities - sports, walking in the woods or park, ski trip with the whole family will only strengthen relationships with loved ones.

A balanced diet and exercise will help you and each family member to preserve and maintain excellent health and slim figure. If they resist, show them an example, start with yourself. Who knows, maybe you are home to still join.

Myth Eight - If I were younger, I would have been much easier to lose weight.

In fact. Quite difficult to lose weight at any age. The main thing - to want to get rid of extra pounds. Especially with age troubles on the completeness only increase.

Solution. Over the years, comes wisdom and life experience. Take advantage of this wealth. You're already well aware of what foods you heal, but from what you get better. Begin to adjust your weight with a low calorie diet. But remember that no exercise you are unlikely to cope with the excess weight.

Myth ninth - Why suffer, to sit on the cabbage and carrots when you can buy in a drugstore remedy to get rid of completeness? It is necessary to drink cherished pill - and the fat is gone.

In fact. Indeed, drugs for weight loss by the thousand. You can choose to suit every taste and budget, domestic and overseas, exotic. Only most of these pills do not work, and some of them may even cause irreparable damage to health. Well, if the agent would still effective, you will be completely dependent on him, and will spend on its acquisition of all of the money - most of these drugs are expensive.

Decision. Much safer and effectively consult a nutritionist and constantly observe necessary for you diet. Without physical activity also can not do. In some cases it is reasonable to first find out the reason of completeness and treat disease associated with obesity.

Tags: figure, the myth