Lose Weight with astrologers

 If you have already tried all possible terrestrial diet, maybe it's time to pay attention to the sky and try another exotic way to preserve the harmony of shapes? This diet is to choose a specific range of products for each of the signs of the zodiac. It is these products, according to astrologers, they are most useful and contribute not the accumulation of fat and get rid of him.

Whereas for pieces of other characters of the same products can be extremely dangerous.

However, as we know, not all of us are exactly like their zodiac portraits. But if you - absolutely typical Virgo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you may make sense to listen to the opinions of astrologers.

However, there is another problem. Zodiacal diet options there is great variety, as each has its own experts in astrology look at the list of required signs products. We have tried to collect the most interesting and conflicting advice and that's what we've got.


The main emphasis in nutrition Aries worth making on foods high in vitamin K, such as tomatoes, peas and spinach. In addition, representatives of the mark diet must necessarily include the onion, parsley, dill, garlic, turnips, radishes, beets, carrots and cabbage. And one of the best dietary meals for them - a soup of young nettles.

Aries - one of the few who can be safely used in the diets of cereal. However, meat and completely abandon not worth it. His best varieties for you - it's lamb, goat and lamb. Perfect dessert for Aries - grapefruit and watermelon. But from what should be abandoned almost completely, so it's from eating animal fats, coffee, all spicy and salty, as well as dinner after six in the evening.


Representatives of this sign is almost always have a particular passion for good food. Therefore, nutritionists recommend them to learn to eat as slowly as possible, slowly and in small portions. Taureans are particularly useful for foods high in vitamins E, A and iodine, especially vegetable oil (in reasonable quantities) and sprouted wheat.

There are also products include potatoes (of course, not fries, and baked or boiled), spinach, cabbage, peas, tomatoes and parsley. Many of the Taurus - a terrible sweet tooth, but the sugar is just what it is not recommended! It is better to replace it with dried fruits. But also from the fresh fruit and berries to give up not worth it, especially if it's apples, bananas, peaches, pears, persimmons, raspberries and strawberries. With regard to meat, it should be exclusively beef.


Their main vitamin - C. Therefore, Gemini on the table have to be green onions, currants, sorrel, beans, cauliflower, celery, parsley, nettle and fennel. Ideal fruit for the Twins - all citrus fruits, kiwi, apricots and pomegranates.

In winter, they can also diversify prunes, raisins and dried apricots, which are very useful for you. Even dreaming very slim representatives of this sign in any case should not delete from your diet and protein foods: eggs, cheese, nuts, cheese and poultry.


Cancers should pay particular attention to the B vitamins, which are particularly useful for their stomachs and nervous system. Diet representatives of this sign must include carrots, spinach, peas, cabbage, leafy vegetables, zucchini, potatoes (within reason), cucumbers and radishes.

For dessert, you can use grapes, watermelon, or exotic coconut. But from protein foods are best to choose seafood, such as crab. In addition, Cancerians will be much slimmer, if no longer get involved in salty foods and consume large amounts of liquid.


To dream of a lioness lose weight the most relevant vitamin - it is A, and the best vegetables for dieting - carrots, squash and tomatoes. Not superfluous will foods rich in vitamins C and E. This means that on the table representatives of this sign should also be garlic, beets, olives, zucchini and eggplant.

Ideal fruit for them - it pineapples, oranges and tangerines. Moreover, even the most ESTATES Lioness on weight loss as a true predator, it is useful to eat meat. True, it is better if it is a bird - chicken and turkey.


In fact, Virgin relatively rarely suffer from excess weight, but to part with a few extra pounds and sometimes you need them. Assistants in this may be foods high in vitamin C, such as cauliflower, onions, sorrel, nettles, celery, parsley, dill and other herbs.

Besides astrologers recommend Virgos include your dietary menu legumes, including beans.

Fruit and berries also help you lose weight currants, apricots, pomegranates and apples. Meat is only recommended for veal. But from acute and difficult to digest food better to refuse.


Libra astrologers advise primarily try to limit myself to use both sweet and savory. And if you wish to lose weight long haul - the best to become a vegetarian.

The basis of the diet should be products containing vitamins E, K and A. This can be vegetables, such as cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, green peas, spinach and other greens and sprouts of wheat and vegetable oil.

Sweets should be replaced by an apple, banana, blackberry, blackcurrant, cranberry, cherry, peach, raspberry or persimmon.


Dieters to representatives of this sign are very useful seafood and fish specialties. But it should be possible to limit itself to the use of salt, dairy products and hot spices.

The diet should also attend a lot of protein, iron, vitamins B, C and E. From fruit note grapefruit and watermelon, and vegetables - carrot, garlic, cabbage, peppers, pumpkins, radishes, celery, horseradish and onion. By the way, you need to prepare Scorpios exclusively on vegetable oil.


If many characters legumes such as peas and beans, are unacceptable in the diet, it is their Sagittariuses possible without restrictions. Of all the varieties of meat is allowed only lean pork, and the astrologers advise to replace soy.

The main vitamins for dieters Sagittarius - P and C. From this list of ideal vegetable for diet consists of cabbage, artichokes, potatoes, nettles, sorrel, parsley and dill. Fruit should we give preference to black currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, mango and even dates.


The key to success of dietary Capricorn is the maximum amount of dietary vitamin D. Although products especially to get involved, where he is (yolks, butter and milk) is still not worth it.

Especially the food of this sign should also be maximal rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium and protein (meat better to give preference lamb). Want to lose ten pounds at once - arrange a vegetable diet, which can be used for the carrots, beets, radishes, eggplant and herbs.


For dieters Aquarius perfect breakfast - muesli and this glass of skim milk or boiled egg (vitamin D for them is also very relevant).

At lunch you can afford to seafood, and dinner replace glass of kefir. To hunger pangs you are not tortured, eat as many fruits and vegetables, such as beets, eggplant, sorrel, dill and parsley, and melon and quince.


The ideal diet for Pisces - it certainly ... fish and seafood. It is possible to make salads and seaweed adding eggs and cream (low fat).

For diet Pisces fit and spinach salad or sheet and watercress. It is very useful to them cabbage juice, which helps to always be in excellent physical shape. Pisces can be included in the diet of dates, mangoes, as well as rich in vitamin E and wheat germ oil.

By the way, in the preparation of dietary food astrologers advise Pisces have to use spices: tarragon, cumin, curry, ginger, pepper and garlic. But from that during the diet should completely give up because it's from roasted and any canned food.

Expert Opinion
Natalia Kalinchenko, PhD, Fellow, Research Enz RAMS

The basis of the principle of the zodiacal diet ratio of each zodiac sign with a specific set of products. In my view, organize your food according to the regulations of the horoscope can actually lose weight.

Scientific evidence for the effectiveness of this theory is not, however, I am of the view that any diet with a reasonable approach yields results. But the main thing after all - is counting calories. Reduction in calories - this is the best diet that really has no contraindications. Just remember that all the components of the diet must be balanced.

Votre Beaute

Tags: astrologer