Freedom of thought

 Deciding to improve your health, we must not limit yourself frantically around, and the first thing to get rid of their own stereotypes. Sports doctor, honored coach of Russia Igor Zavyalov offers change habitual thoughts on the new and lose weight with pleasure.

EARLY Another cookies and all!

FROM NOW If I can not stop, then start I will not.
Proved that 90% of people can not be limited to one slice, and for the second and tenth follows. Therefore, do not provoke themselves to the campaigns of confectionery. To less like eclairs, eat a handful of nuts: protein foods beats sugar cravings. Well, if you absolutely lost without dessert, eat ice milk: it has protein for muscle and calcium for metabolism.

EARLY Practice now and then eat something for the soul, for example, a Big Mac.

FROM NOW ON Why kill in the hall, and then reduce all efforts to nothing?
Most people overestimate the number of calories that consume during exercise. In order to burn 560 calories contained in a Big Mac, you have to swim a mile crawl or four hours walking briskly on a hilly terrain.

EARLY In my family, all the fat, losing weight is useless.

FROM NOW ON Genes I can not change, but to become more beautiful and healthier - easily.
Genetics determines the health status of only 15%, the rest depends on the style of life. Extensive bone narrow will not, but toned muscular body looks better formless reminder that the best years, alas, over.

EARLY Chocolate will not fall asleep after lunch.

FROM NOW ON With proper nutrition is no afternoon prostration will not.
For lunch, eat sushi, sashimi or steak - and be on our toes all day. And in the afternoon instead of a chocolate snack with a piece of lean ham without bread.

EARLY The stricter diet, the faster I lose weight.

FROM NOW ON Diet - a balanced diet, and not limitation.
Lose more than half a kilogram per week - not only harmful, but also dangerous. This stress on the body, begin to deteriorate hair, skin, nails, problems with digestion. But the important thing is that after any rigid diet to throw off pounds returned, taking the road a couple of new ones. Create a deficit of five hundred calories per day (this is a piece of cake, a chocolate bar or a portion of pasta with cream sauce) - and for the year will get rid of fifteen kilograms.

EARLY Since I broke down and ordered a steak, it will take more and fries.

FROM NOW ON Steak with salad figure does not hurt.
Meat, fried though - a source of protein. Book meat cooked asparagus, spinach, broccoli or salad of raw vegetables: a fiber proteins are better absorbed.

EARLYI will not eat after six in the evening, and lose weight.

FROM NOW ON If observe proper caloric intake, it does not matter when it is.
Light dinner with salad, rice and dark portions of yogurt, eaten for two hours before bedtime, will not affect your weight. But you will not be hungry all night.

Tags: freedom