Appetite or false hunger?

 Whether you enjoy ever fine food and whether fully satisfied, but only as long as an hour or two you were not offered a cup of tea with pastries or any other yummy? How many times has it happened that from there, you thought, "I'll eat just a little piece, for the rest there is no place in the stomach?" And how many times then load up to satiety, because suddenly there was room for another piece, and then another one?  

We often start eating without feeling hunger. We just eat when there is no need for food, and cram a meal when the digestive system is clearly overloaded and overcrowded, so that does not require more food.

As I mentioned earlier, eating foods rich in calories, can not satisfy your needs in food, if they do not contain the entire set of essential body nutrients. Even if you "eat" more calories than you need, your body will feel a sense of "hunger" for the nutrients that he shortchanged. If you are trying to stifle the feeling of hunger again, the same high-calorie food that does not contain the necessary vital elements, the cycle is repeated again and again, you will gain weight and acquire a terrible state of mind. Does not that familiar? Do you often feel hungry? If yes, then your body is trying to tell you that it lacks nutrients.

Conversely, the lack of certain foods can cause water retention, or, for example, the desire to eat something sweet.

Hunger is a result of complex processes in the body, and about its origin, there are several different theories. Many experts have concluded that, basically, the feeling of hunger appears as a result of nervous processes, which in turn stimulates the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The endocrine system also has to do with it.

Hunger - a perfectly normal feeling. It generates the desire to eat, which in itself is nice. Sometimes you feel a pleasant feeling in the mouth, the desire is there, but not terrible need or desperately needed. If your appetite is false, then you feel more uncomfortable feelings, even irritation.

We sometimes frighten other sensations of hunger. Hunger - is generally a need for food, not in any particular ede- just food. It can meet a very simple meal. Not at all necessary specialties. And if hunger is false, then its owner, as a rule, not very hungry man wants something special, sweet or spicy foods. This food - the fruit of his imagination, and the more he thinks about it, the more it wants. He start to flow salivating, and he tells himself that he was hungry, though it is not so.

In fact, he just need to satisfy their taste preferences, rather than hunger. I know that on my personal experience. At the time I could in no time swallowing two chocolate bars. I had only to think about it and submit this tile, like my whole body is screaming about wanting to eat it.

How often have you sat in a theater or a movie, quite happy and satisfied as long as the intermission began, and before your eyes did not appear tray with chocolates, sweets, ice cream and sparkling beverages? And on the state, it is distant from the consumption of food, you will instantly move on to craving to eat even more heightened smell of food and the contemplation of people enjoying all these dishes. I do not think that you were hungry, just look and flavor of food will awaken your taste preferences, and you ate and drank what your body did not like and what he currently did not required.

Chance that the eaten food so randomly turn into unwanted fat deposits, much more than you imagine. It is possible that all of your excess weight gained is so random. Have you ever heard the motto "The main thing - to say" no "? So, as soon as your taste preferences begin to behave like something, just tell them, "No! »

Listen to what your body needs

All of us should be more likely to listen to yourself. We often eat just because it's time for lunch or dinner. Do you really listen to your body, or trying to follow zavedёnnomu routine, often dictated by the social conditions of life or other people eat food when you do not want to do it, and when your digestive system requires rest?

Even when a person is sick, the surrounding often full intentions to feed him. Appetite in this case is regarded as a sign of recovery. "He looks a lot better today. I was able to feed him soup. " And poor patient has no power and the words say something! When a person is ill, the digestive system, usually slows down in order to direct forces at the digestion and to combat disease.

If you eat during the acute course of the disease, it is often affected by the deterioration of the state, because the body simply can not cope with food. We instinctively refuse to eat at this moment, because we are aware that it is - an extra burden on the digestive system, and we should strive to get rid of it, because it can slow the recovery period after an illness. Of course, I urge you to fast during the illness, but listen to what your body tells you. If you do not feel this hunger, do not eat. And drink plenty of fluids.

You should thoroughly understand all restrictions on food consumption. If you observe them, you will not only lose weight but also improve your health. On the contrary, continued to overeat, you not only will be even more obese, but most likely will get a bunch of new diseases. Soon you will be sure that the program is a balanced diet and physical exercise will teach you to control your weight and eat healthy food.

Tags: appetite, hunger