21 method is not getting fat in winter

 American scientists give advice to women. But they can be enjoyed by men.  

1 Do not give up soup for lunch. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania assure that the liquid in the soup for a long time allows to maintain a sense of satiety.

2 Imagine yourself slim. It is a kind of meditation, which is addicted to yoga. It helps to adjust the body, imprinted in your brain and forms the ideal image of a sense of shame - it should appear whenever you want to eat too much.

3 Keep a diary. Write down there times when you indulge in gluttony. Try to understand whether it is possible to avoid it was a cold winter night and replaced with something at least comfortable - hugs partner or a warm bath?

4 Go for a walk at lunch. Enough for 15 minutes. The goal - to get an extra portion of serotonin - the "joyful" substance in the brain that appears in the daylight. It relieves fatigue, reduces appetite, eliminating the desire to eat a muffin.

5 Choose your favorite winter dishes and enter them into your usual diet instead of eating it later.

6 Choose "good" carbohydrates. Without carbohydrates people get depressed and start to overwhelm her meal. Abandon them unreasonable. Better to replace "sugar" carbohydrates, such as cookies and white bread, bread made from wheat flour.

7 Throw a pizza delivery ads. In winter, when cold, increases the likelihood that you order a takeaway. And obozhretes.

8 less coffee. It is better to warm green tea. Caffeine causes the body to store fat.

9 Take your hands. Knitting, embroidery, crossword puzzles and puzzles - all this prevents reach for a vase with cookies.

10 Learn to dance. Hour "belly dance" burns 380 calories, salsa - 350.

11 restock protein. His rich sources - red lean meat, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and grains. It promotes the production of serotonin.

12 Wear bright. Often want to pass the winter evenings curled up in a chair and dressed in slacks and a baggy sweater. But you will not notice that gaining weight. Continue to wear tight clothes. She quickly let you know if you will be overweight.

13 Make your favorite dishes helpful. Eat foods low in fat, bread from wheat flour.

14 Eat more orange. According to experts on color therapy, this color is uplifting. From orange on the plate you will feel a surge of strength. Do not want to overeat.

15 Take the plans for the summer. Rather than indulge in the winter gloom, ponder vacation. It's good distraction from the fatty foods.

16 Warms exercise. Do not include additional heaters in the house. Move better, getting rid of excess calories.

17 More pepper! Spicy foods also burns fat, warms quickly and satisfies hunger.

18 Make love. Do not put off sex for the weekend. Passionate embrace release happy hormones endorphins. And what we are happier, the less we have reason to seek solace in food.

19 Sleep more. Chronic lack of sleep leads to weight gain.

20 Drink more. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Drink six -Eight glasses of water daily.

21 Start to cook. Cutting products and bustle of the kitchen help burn about 120 calories per half hour.


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