Season salad to figure

 Finally, the time came when the very nature helps us lose weight. Firstly, the annual human biorhythms are such that the slag and overweight best leave the body in the spring. And secondly, the first tender greens, crunchy radishes and appetizing salad extremely useful and low-calorie so that they can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Vegetable fibers and fiber give the feeling of satiety, clean body and saturate it with the necessary vitamins. Therefore go to salads and salads! Fortunately, the price of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs are gradually declining and is available to all dreams of a beautiful figure.

Due to what is weight loss? Organism spends a lot of energy to digest fiber greens and vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment. Well, their caloric content - it's just a song for slim divas!

Thus, the caloric content of cucumbers - 15 calories per 100 grams of tomatoes - 20, radish - 16, -11 lettuce, spinach - 16 kcal, etc. Salad, seasoned with a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil, served at the table with a piece of black bread, the feelings do not saturate the worse winter dishes. But the usefulness of such a meal for the body is invaluable.

Green herbs and vegetables contain chlorophyll - a specific substance that helps plants take sunlight. Man chlorophyll and some accompanying substances normalize metabolism, are anti-cancer prevention, help rejuvenate tissue and improve regeneration.

Red early fruits and vegetables have anti-cancer properties, are antioxidants and actively inhibit the aging process. Not to mention vitamins and minerals. Let us examine more closely the components of our salad.

Celery Vitamins A, C and E. The minerals, protein and fiber. A positive effect on the nervous system and metabolism.

Onion Vitamins B1, B2, PP, ascorbic acid. Carotene. Recommended for diabetes, vitamin deficiency, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Cucumber Vitamins C, B1, B2, P, provitamin A. Fiber, mineral salts of potassium. Beneficial effects on the heart, kidneys, liver.

Cabbage Vitamins C, D, B1, B2, PP, U. salts of potassium and fiber. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes digestion, prevents the occurrence of ulcers.

Tomato Vitamin C, B1, B2, P, K. Carotene, phosphorus and potassium. Used for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, gastritis. Protects against prostate cancer.

What else are good spring salads?

They are prepared simply and quickly, because they do not have anything to boil. We eat them, they say, "live". This must be our tortured winter organisms missed the bright fresh scent of spring dishes. And even diet, which is based on vegetable salads, carries much easier on the first season of herbs and vegetables.

Spring diet

The proposed diet contains 1300 calories. Here are its basic rules:

- You can drink as much as you like simple and mineral water.

- At each meal, try to eat a large portion of salad. It can be made from celery, lettuce, cucumber, apple slices, bean pods, corn kernels and tomatoes. Dressed he tablespoon of yogurt mixed with lemon juice, vinegar and spices.

This diet can be followed for a long time. Most importantly, you will not experience hunger, because this diet contains saturated, a coarse products. The result will appear in a couple of weeks, you will get rid of 2 to 4 kg, well earned intestine (due to the large amount of fiber), the skin cleansed, and eyes - shine.

Most importantly, try to stretch the "season salads" on possible long term: it is impossible to eat vitamin store. And in the mirror say thank you for the slender figure who prefers salads made from fresh, crisp greens!


Cucumber with tarragon

2 medium cucumbers chop on a grater, add finely chopped tarragon beam. Season with low-fat yogurt or sour cream, add salt.

Salad with shrimps

Lettuce finely break hands (cutting contact with the metal blade gives the oxidation reaction that kills the vitamins), add cooked shrimp, olives and fennel. Season with lemon juice.

Cottage cheese with herbs

1 pack of nonfat cottage cheese mixed with 2 tbsp milk or yogurt, add chopped parsley, dill, cilantro, garlic (optional) and salt. The resulting mass can be spread on bread, meal and get extremely useful and delicious sandwich that you can drink a glass of tomato juice.

Salad "Summer" with oatmeal

Classic "summer salad" - a tomato, cucumber, herbs, salt. All cut and leave for a few minutes to appear juice. Now add a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal flakes, stir and serve.

Feta cheese with herbs and tomatoes

Wet knife (not crumbled) cut the cheese into cubes. It is best suited for this salad cheese "feta" - it is more delicate texture and not too salty. Now cut dill, parsley and tomatoes. Mix and fill with 1 tsp vegetable oil and sprinkle with lemon juice. You can add olives or capers.

Salad "Light"

Need to finely chop the cabbage and always promyat it with salt. Many housewives do not, and they do salad bland, - you have to add a lot of sauce (then it becomes more nutritious). Cut tomatoes into slices, add the parsley and dill, and all mixed with yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Leek and potato

1 boiled or baked potato cut into 1 beam garlic. Add salt and 1 tsp. Vegetable oil.

Radish with cucumber and green

2 medium cucumbers, radishes 400 g, 100 g of lettuce, 2 eggs, green onions. All chop, mix with 1 tablespoon yogurt. Add the dill and salt.

Cucumber with egg

1 cucumber, 1 boiled egg, green onions. All cut and mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Salad "Spring"

Boil the potatoes, peel and cut it into small cubes. Then sprinkle it with vegetable oil. Also chop cucumbers and onions, add the apple and spicy taste for. The final touch - green peas. Season with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly with low-fat sour cream all or yogurt.

Arugula with Parmesan cheese and tomatoes

Arugula leaves mixed with fine tomato-cream, add the grated or sliced ​​thin slices of parmesan cheese. As the filling - 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice

Filling of greenery

Mix finely chopped fresh herbs (your choice: dill, parsley, cilantro, celery, leek) with yogurt and salt. Use as a salad dressing instead of mayonnaise or hot dishes - fish, meat or pasta.

And finally,two secret delicious menu: try to fill salads, cold pressed vegetable oils - olive, linseed, pumpkin, sesame or walnut oil. In addition, they normalize metabolic processes in the body, such oils give dishes new flavors.

And second, good use instead of regular table - sea salt, which has a very different flavors and, of course, very useful due to its high iodine content, actively influence the thyroid gland, from which, in turn, depends largely on a beautiful slim figure .

Tags: salad, shape, season