Menu intellectuals

 The work of brain cells requires large amounts of energy. If you work in an office, the "smart" food you just need, otherwise you're just going to do everything slowly, and sewed up, however, did not keep pace. The energy of the mind comes from food, so that to work effectively, and to not feel cooked vegetables, you need to eat certain foods. So, prepare a special menu for the intellectual.

Universal "fuel" for the brain - glucose, we get it from carbohydrates and fats. For short-term effect, enough to eat a piece of sugar or something sweet, but fast carbs quickly absorbed into the blood, and your activity does not last long, in addition, sweet and flour spoils the figure, so that is not an option.

The diet of an adult engaged in intellectual work, a day should be 75-90 grams of fat - and animal and plant. The excess fat is deposited not only on the sides, but also inhibits brain activity.

A recent study by American scientists has been found that if during pregnancy a woman eats a lot and moves a little, from this intelligence unborn child may suffer.

For the active brain activity are particularly useful berries, fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, which is a universal antioxidant, - blackcurrant, all citrus fruits, sweet and hot peppers, green onions, radishes, wild rose.

Slows down the aging brain and body black bitter chocolate. 50 g have enough such chocolate per day.

Magazine «The Psychology Today» publishes six most useful products for the brain:

- Oily sea fish: Pacific salmon, pink salmon, chum, sockeye salmon, trout, tuna, herring and sardines. In such a fish dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids that are involved in metabolic processes in the brain, increase the content of "good" cholesterol and reduce the amount of "bad". Marine fish rich in phosphorus. Fatty fish are contraindicated in peptic ulcer disease, and some diseases of the blood.

- Spinach good because it promotes the renewal of nerve cells, the active work of the brain, stimulates the intestine and prevents degeneration of the retina. The leaves contain protein, fat, sugar, fiber, folic acid. Spinach is rich in vitamins B, C, P, PP, E, K, A, it contains iron, potassium, magnesium.

The high content of vitamin E protects cells from aging. Eat spinach with anemia, anemia, nervous and physical exhaustion, diabetes, hypertension. It is enough to eat spinach 1-2 times a week.

Contraindicated for people suffering from urolithiasis, metabolic disorders, in various diseases of the kidneys and bladder, spinach should be removed from the menu because of the increased levels of oxalic acid.

- Beet and cabbage useful for exhaustion and loss of strength, normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, help lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

Dark-colored varieties of beets strengthen capillary walls. Beet roots contain substances that protect the body from radioactive and heavy metals: lead, strontium, etc.

The special value of the cabbage is that it contains a set of vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts and trace elements as in fresh and fermented form. Contraindications: Do not use those suffering from urolithiasis.

- Cranberry - A rich source of antioxidants. It turns out that the substances contained in the beverage, the content of the body increases the so-called "proper" cholesterol necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In Russia, cranberry juice - a traditional drink that drink in summer and winter. You can cook the juice at home: clean berries are placed in a bowl, pour water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. More pounded directly unopened berries in water liquid then sieved. In the resulting juice can add sugar or honey to taste.

- Blueberry contains antioxidants and substances that are useful for visual acuity and hearing.

Will be approximately intellectual menu:

Breakfast: proteins and "slow" carbohydrates. Best breakfast - porridge is -grechnevaya, oats, rice from the raw water, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, lean meat, fresh fruit.

Lunch Time: proteins and "slow" carbohydrates, fiber. Roasted meat and fish, eggs, rice, oatmeal, green salads, fruit and vegetables. Harmful: excess carbohydrates, namely, pasta, potatoes, bread and sweet for dessert, choose one thing.

Dinner: "Slow" carbohydrates - cereals, pasta, potatoes or vegetables.

Lala Reasonable

Tags: intellectual