Five tastes and colors that make us leaner

 For many people, weight gain is because they want to constantly have and they always something to chew. Others start to feel hunger almost immediately after a meal. Why is this happening and what to do about it says a member of the American Association of Gerontology Mila Kletskaya.

Why do we eat? Of course, in order to obtain energy. How do you know we got it or not? If you eat correctly, you feel, after breakfast, lunch or dinner, energetic, strong and you do not quite sleepy. There are secrets of how to get the necessary energy from food and eliminate the sense of constant hunger.

Our body and our mind eating different from each other types of energy, lack of which leads to depletion of the mind or the body's starvation. During starvation of a person constantly hungry, he simply did not sate of the food that is poor in different types of energy.

In turn, for each organ has its own specific type of energy that supports its operation. This energy is delivered into our bodies with food. How do I know what foods some kind of energy supplies our body? For this we must remember a very simple thing - food should always be present five tastes.

What kind of taste?Bitter, salty, sweet, sour and spicy (hot). If you build their combined power to take into account your tastes and five are still some rules that your weight will never be excessive, as is the case with the Japanese, Chinese and other Asian nations.

Let's see what some of the body tastes of supplying energy, ie imbues, soothes and cleanses. Only when all the bodies together will be full, and hunger disappears. This means that when cooking all five tastes need to find a place in your menu.

The impact on the body tastes

Bitter. Heart and small intestine. In small quantities, leads to a healthier and normalize their work. Stimulates digestion.
In excess of - leads to disease.

Sour. Liver and gallbladder. In small quantities, restores their work. In excess - promotes disease

Sweet. Stomach, spleen, pancreas. In small quantities, contributes to their proper functioning.
In excess of - leads to disease.

Salty. Kidneys, adrenal glands, genitals, bladder. In small quantities contributes to their good functioning.
In excess of - leads to blockage of these bodies.

Spicy. Lungs. In small quantities contributes to their functioning. In excess of - leads to disease.

Now let's think about what would happen if a person will consume a typical Western food, consisting mainly of sweet, salty and burning (Pepper). In this case, heart, small intestine and liver are chronically hungry, and kidneys, in turn, work in fire mode.

As a result, people get fat because bad heart shakes fluid, small intestine does not "withdraws" all the nutrients from the food bolus and does not carry to the end of the expansion protein, the kidneys do not take liquid. As a result, you swells, you develop constipation, the liver can not neutralize toxins, the body continues to ask there.

To lose weight and stay in shape forever - eat only natural food. No frills Western civilization. Often fascinating delicious smells emanating from some fast-food cafe - a chemical flavors that load your body with toxins and prevent the shedding of weight.

Eat 3-4 times a day from the plates-year-olds, or even better from small salad bowls. Incidentally, the large meal at night - one of the causes of heart attacks at any age.

Try to eat a colorful diet. Ideally, at your desk should be to 16 colors of fruits and vegetables on your table. That each color gives your body?

Orange fruit supply beta-carotene, which is formed from vitamin A. It performs protective function, preventing the emergence of cancer cells and their growth and the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
We need only remember that beta-carotene - a fat-soluble vitamin and therefore the whole group it is desirable to consume the orange with vegetable oil. And best of all it is absorbed by the body of boiled or steamed foods.

Red fruitOtherwise they are called likopenosoderzhaschimi. Lycopene - the substance located in carotenoids, powerful antioxidants of the body. Lycopene has a very strong anti-cancer properties and is particularly effective when it works Cancer Prevention predstatatelnoy gland and uterus. Furthermore, lycopene prevents cardiovascular diseases and reducing bad cholesterol.

Purple fruits famous high in antioxidants - flavonoids, which prevent the destruction of our cells of vitamin E, as well as warn cancer and cardiovascular disease.
All of them are extremely useful, but beet is the only vegetable that can rid the body of virtually all heavy metals and radionuclides. This is the most powerful natural cleaner that nature gave us. We must remember that the fruits of this group better eaten fresh or baked in the oven, such as eggplant.

Yellow fruit also contain precious bioflavonoids, but several other types. They are best eaten raw or baked in the oven. Potatoes, grated raw grated can prevent and treat ulcer disease, baked in their skins has very many positive attributes for the digestion.

Green fruit contain essential for our blood agent - chlorophyll. This hard worker who is involved in cleaning the liver, blood, nasal and frontal sinuses, and improves digestion. These fruits can be eaten as fresh and poorly treated.

Andrei Belyakov

Tags: taste