A cup? Elite tea from China

 Eastern tradition of tea drinking in Russia fell on fertile ground, though, and have undergone some changes - who among us does not like to sit for an hour or two, enjoying conversation and sipping a cup of bulky? However, for many years a favorite tea to the Russians, have adopted the tradition of tea is not so much in the Far Eastern powers as the British remained black Indian or Ceylon: its rich, distinctive and unique taste has become part of the daily menu.

Russians today are rediscovering the multicolored world, discovering and tasting white, yellow, turquoise and green teas. Ability to appreciate and understand the soul of tea valued not less than the ability to understand the wines and Chinese and Taiwanese provinces provide at least material for study than the French cantons. Women's magazine JustLady introduces its readers to deserve special attention elite varieties of tea.

Tea palette

For many years the most popular in Europe wereBlack teas Assam, Ceylon and Dardzhilling They are called black because of the completion of the fermentation process of tea leaves, but with the terminology and "tea palette" We will discuss later. East Indian Assam and Sri Lanka Ceylon - the most democratic and, because of its high prevalence, the standard teas, the taste of which is familiar to anyone with childhood. These varieties are often mixed and impose minimum requirements for the welding conditions - in particular, they are completely insensitive to water hardness, depending on their taste it practically does not change. Dardzhilling from the southern slopes of the Himalayas - a thin little thing. His golden transparent infusion capricious and require special conditions. All black teas brewed only once and must be poured into cups no later than 10 minutes after the start of infusion - otherwise the tea leaves releases tannins, spoiling the taste and with regular use harm health. 

Oriental teas - A complex and large-scale world know that diversity is not easy. Chinese learned value each life stage of tea leaf, highlighting several stages of fermentation of the tea juice in which the sheet is oxidized and changes color and appearance, and collecting, respectively, the color, the taste and quality of the infusion.

Green tea - Leaves collected fresh and not having to undergo fermentation. In the traditional production of the new crop of hot and withered on the metal pan, the leaves dry up and twisted, the industrial production of sheets are put into giant vats and subjected to heat treatment with constant stirring.

White tea - It not only leaves but kidneys subjected to mild fermentation. His name is associated with silver fibers covering the surface - the more, the higher the quality of the tea. The most expensive white teas consist only of collecting the kidneys, without any admixture of leaflets. Pollen settles on the kidneys and the fragrance of flowers, white tea, which gives a special flavor. White tea - a delicious treat and expensive, requires a lot of precautions during storage and brewing.

Yellow tea - True Chinese specialties,elite, by definition,As well as its production and storage is rather expensive. Yellow tea is going the same way as white, but after collection is not processed immediately, and withered in the shade or partial shade that stops its fermentation at the initial stage. Has a unique aroma and taste.

Turquoise Tea or Oolong - Semi-fermented tea. It is produced in the leaves folded boxes and straw rhythmically shaken, whereupon the leaf juice reacts with oxygen and begins to oxidize. The main feature of oolong - their variability and the ability to reveal the taste and aroma of a new way of brewing to brewing (quality oolong can be filled with a new portion of water up to 10 times).

Our favorite black tea is known in Asia asred tea. In this case the fermentation is fully completed during drying. Chinese black tea called Pu-erh - for its production of leaf collection "overripe" and dried for several years in two phases. Color infusion pu-era very rich in appearance can be confused with coffee.

Delight in every sip. Elite teas

There are lots of varieties of tea, some of which are only available in the country of origin and are not exported, some known only obsessed lovers. The ability to vary the duration of withering and fermentation processes opens up truly endless horizons of tea variety. Sometimes traders passes for elite completely ordinary and inexpensive varieties, making up for their lush name. And, of course, as with any questions related to the flavors, you can not select one or more varieties, clearly popular with all and recommended for purchase. Therefore, the acquisition of precious tea that can give a true delight, is a complex issue.

Elite teas different from the mass already at first sight - they look great. Tea leaves or buds must be whole, more or less the same shape without any admixture of debris and garbage (brewing, good tea beautifully disclosed), have clean and clear aroma without impurities dust, mustiness (except for a pu-erh, who in the course of a long fermentation affected by moisture, and slightly rotten smell becomes a characteristic feature). If you do not know what kind of tea to choose, guided by the scent, if you like it, then most likely, and the infusion's taste. Raw materials for elite varieties of tea going at a certain time of year and even day and processed manually, which explains its high cost.

Unofficial hits the best varieties of Chinese tea

Fans teas make informal charts best elite varieties. Women's magazine tells about JustLady teas are regulars these lists.

1.Lung Ching (Long Jing) - Dragon Well. Fragrant green tea that can be drunk with milk. This Lung Ching is grown only in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, and for its production going to the first buds and the top two leaf, which are then specially podvyalivayut on a cast iron skillet. We collect rich green color to the infusion.

2.Pi Lo Chun (Bi Luo Chun) - Green Snail Spring. Produced in Syudzhou. For him, only the first selected flat leaves with the kidney, which in the process of harvesting roll manually. Tea with the same name vyrazhivaetsya in Taiwan, but the Chinese Bilochun valuable. His kidneys are covered with microscopic fibers yellowish, because of which the color of the sheet may be mistaken for yellow. Once he felt aroma of this tea, it can not be confused with any other.

3.Wuyi Yan Cha - Precious mountain oolong. Going on the slopes of Vouilly, famous for his reserved nature. The first mention of this case refers to the 8th century AD, the Mongols drank tea, which brought the culture of tea drinking in ancient land. For a long time bohi tea (the name of the mountain Vouilly pronounced by locals as the Bo-hi) was synonymous with tea imported from China. It is very much fermented oolong, in fact, is a cross between turquoise and red tea with a delicate taste bitter.

4.Bai Hao Yin Zhen - Silver Needle. The legendary white tea from the province Fundzyan, for the production of which are going to the kidneys and fully hatched first leaves, large, with a strong aroma, blown dry cool wind from the northern provinces of China. To dry them requires special weather, so in some years this tea is not exported at all and the price for it grows more Yeshe. Silver Needles brewed longer than others, it provides a gentle yellowish infusion with an intense aroma of jasmine.

5.Qiumen - Keemun, the most famous Chinese black (red) tea. Produced in the county Qi-Men mainly for export. Initially Keemun was green tea, but eventually "flushed" and famous. For nearly two hundred years is a classic English afternoon tea, known for the amazing beauty of color infusion and soft languid taste. Quite expensive, so it is often sold in blends, which ennobles.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

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