Star of fitness

 You are engaged in fitness on a regular basis? Do you have any own program? To this question in the pages of women's magazine JustLady answer: Anfisa Chekhov, Michael Porechenkov, Andrew Chadov, Anna Semenovich, Olga Arntgolts, Glukoza and others.

Anfisa Chekhov

I am engaged in fitness from time to time. But, unfortunately, doing all this not as often as we would like. Sports often simply not enough time. I often just drop in at the spa and do all kinds of massages. Because in order to be able to constantly deal with and take care of yourself, you need to earn money. Earn them only by the infinite and continuous operation.

A combined training with hard work does not work at all desire - in twenty-four hours a day, and still need to sleep, eat, meet with friends, personal life to build. Lately I've been spending time on the professional care of a smaller. The only thing that I do all the time - buy up shelves insanely expensive lotions, cosmetics and the like female heresy. Perhaps all this and help me look better than I am, but in at least create the impression that I care about myself.

Michael Porechenkov

No fitness are not dedicated. Now in any clubs do not go. Previously worked quite thoroughly in boxing, but then somehow it all came off. If a belly rock press. I try to keep myself in shape with the help of outdoor activities. My hobbies and interests supersede any gym. Here lately I am a fan of motorcycles. You know what energy is worth a hobby?

But what a pleasure! Just imagine: the heat, you are racing on the third ring, drive into the tunnel, helmet, speed, steering wheel. And if you do not look at the road, it seems that you are flying! Knurled, sweat, tired, but incredible fun! In winter, be sure to ski. Skiing is also very good business, helps to be in good shape. But even children and work.

Andrew Chadov

Time enough not to much: treadmill, rocking, sauna. I can not boast regularity. I go when there is free time - once or twice a week. While some software I have. But fitness without proper nutrition fails. I try to cook everything in a couple of: vegetables, fish. Roasted almost do not eat.

Anna Semenovich

I can not stand gyms, from one kind is bad. When I skated professionally, so much time spent in them, the horror! I would gladly took up horseback riding, just no time. And so, I now have so much work, I continue to ride on skates. So it is quite enough loads to be shaped. In general, I believe that we must deal with them from an early age, then as an adult you look "one hundred percent."

 I still definitely give myself some daily exercise. Study at home, mainly gymnastics. Every day, take a bath with some essential oils: lavender or rosemary oil, tea tree or orange, depending on whether it is a bath: relaxing or toning. Care program is I also have a sauna, a swimming pool, massage and a visit to a beautician.

Once every two weeks is necessary. Sauna and swimming pool well help to lose all the negative energy and fatigue. I love this pastime, try not to ignore it. Sleep, air, water and moisturizer - that's the secret of beauty, and it is available to everyone. But the main thing in this case - a wish!

Olga Arngoltts

With the new year, I issued a subscription to a fitness club. Generally, fitness has never been involved. Never too late to start. Now I feel that I still sometimes useful to run or go to the pool. In general, the "weight" problem unfamiliar to me. Sometimes I come to audition and hear: "Oh, it is so small, that it ought to be somehow getting fat ..." Therefore, decided to engage in sports, not in order to lose weight, but on the contrary - to get more relief forms and be on our toes.


The secret of my good form - is an intensive sport and the appliance. But most importantly - it is a sport. To get the result, it is necessary to engage in regular fitness! This is the most important rule. I've been doing every day for three hours. If you are actively engaged in sports: firstly, your whole body in good shape and in good shape, and secondly, you have an excellent metabolism. Even if you do something eats your body processes it instantly.

With sports you can forget about slags. Also, I love to swim in the pool, I love the bath! Climb a wooden shelf, take a steam bath, a good honey smeared or something else. Fitness, swimming pool and sauna - this is my daily program

Irina Chashina

I train two or three times a week. Sometimes lazy, honestly tell you, but you need to keep the muscles toned. Exercise on a treadmill 10-20 minutes, and then 40 minutes swim in the pool and elegant feel Sports - a drug for life, because the heart asks load, because so much time it beat more often. Another favorite tool to keep in shape - a bathhouse! Go at least once a month in the bathhouse. It is well relieves stress.

 In addition, if you want to lose weight, you can be smeared with honey and salt. Your pores are opened and immediately all the dross out. During one such visit, you can lose a kilo. In general, exercise trying to give myself every day. At least I walk. I love to walk in Tsaritsyno park or in Kolomenskoye. Just 30 minutes a walk, and you will feel like you are returned to power.

Anna Neva

Two years ago I took up yoga to find harmony with the world. Since then, regularly, two or three times a week I go to these classes and practice at home. Yoga helps reconcile man with himself, it connects you to the ground, because most of us head in the clouds, all our thoughts about the future, fear of tomorrow. It gives peace and teaches take each day with joy. But on a diet, I never sat.

What is it? Leaf lettuce in the morning and a cup of yogurt at bedtime? Such restrictions are not for me. I just try not to pass in order to be active. I always move a lot.

Tags: star fitness