Dancing plus

 In the 19th century began passion expressive movements. The ancestor of this line was François Delsarte. F. Delsarte system included possession of gestures, facial expressions, movements and postures, so called expressive gymnastics. Has developed a system of Isadora Duncan, creating dance exercises for women. About F. Delsarte gymnastics dance tells a women's magazine JustLady

Professor Jacques Dalcroze Geneva Conservatory studied the importance of rhythm in the physical activity of the person. In the small town of Hellerau near Dresden in 1910, he discovered the school of rhythmic gymnastics. Initially, the system was designed Dalcroze for the development of hearing and sense of rhythm musicians, and then it turned into a means of physical education.

The basis of the method of Dalcroze - An organic combination of music and movement. He managed to create a kind of musical notation movements. Dalcroze system consists of four parts: rhythmic gymnastics, development of hearing, improvisation and musical sculpture.

At the turn of 19-20 centuries formed the direction of gymnastics, associated with the name of the French physiologist Georges Demeny. His system of physical exercise was based on a combination of relaxation and muscle tension.

Demeny had many followers, among them the American gynecologist Bess Mensendik developed by women's functional exercises. Its main objectives were: strengthening health through gymnastics, strength development, education art movement in the form of dance. Many of the recommendations Mensendik used in the field of physical therapy.

The strength of the female muscle

In the history of mankind, there are examples where the development of internal female muscle plays a very important role in making important strategic decisions. In any case, the fate of the women they influenced the most certain way.

Thus, the tribal leaders of some African countries, choosing a wife, a kind of ritual staged competitions: beauties, vending leader, gave fruit, reminiscent of our green plum, they force their intimate muscles were crushed. The winner of the competition and became the wife of the leader.

During the reign of the Tang concubine of ancient China enjoyed special privileges, if given birth sons, virtuoso technique of sex, were able to transmit sexual energy at a distance, ie, aroused partner without making significant eye operations. This was achieved with the help of hard training.

One of the "trainers" was a small wooden egg (religious rites of many religions) with a hole in the middle, which is passed elegant silk cord. The essence of the exercise was not only to keep this thing in the right place, but also the ability to manipulate (ie, draw it into themselves and push back). Length lace hanging down, was an indicator of skill. Women were able to do this not only breath-hold, but working in a different rhythm, and while maintaining a serene expression on his face. Ones were able to stop the string at any height.

Such highly valued and concubines, attending talks out the most important strategic goal: to distract the enemy, to persuade him at the decisive moment in the direction of the desired solution.

Achieve tangible results in the development of female internal muscles can do without foreign objects. All women invisible muscles are closely linked. First, you need to learn how to draw and to relax the stomach. Pulling the stomach, we connect to the work of the lower spine, abdominal muscles, the thoracic diaphragm.

Changing the intra-abdominal pressure, activate blood circulation. Blood flow to the pelvic region plays an important role in the occurrence of sexual desire. To properly connected to the work of all the pelvic muscles, it is necessary to do the buttocks.

Trained pelvic muscles give the woman the opportunity to not wait for the exploits of partners, and to go to win the most, reaching orgasm and feelings of emotional satisfaction. As these muscles a workout not only increases the likelihood of achieving orgasm, but also its intensity.

But the best mobility of the pelvis is restored dance moves.

The system of exercises


You flexible cat back nicely curved. You bushy tail. You slowly bring it to one side, then the other ... So we are liberating the lower back,
long neck, a look into the distance, bearing the royal ... We focus on every muscle of his body, kneel. Squeeze the buttocks penny.

Fold hand side. Palm disclosed her sweet klubnichinka ... Practising gluteal muscles, back muscles ... straighten your back, straighten shoulders imagine herself as a woman of the mountains, which rises up the path and carefully carries on his head a basket of grapes.

Good exercise trains the muscles of the neck and back.
close your eyes and imagine that the street is light fluffy snow, and you catch these snowflakes in an open palm. If you do the exercise to include all your imagination, then after a while the movement of hands you will be smooth, not fussy.

• Exercises are combined into complex, combining elements of various styles of sports - from the Chinese gymnastics and yoga to choreography and dance.

Lesson duration - 1 hour.

Twelve - fifteen tunes: Sarah Brightman, Emma Chaplin, Cesaria Evora, Enya, and the "Mews", Shakira, Eminem, ethnic music, classical, Vanessa May and other fine music to create a mood that takes into account a variety of tastes and physical condition of women.

All movements are derived from the music - and if follow her.

Be sure there are dance compositions. Exercises develop good posture, flexibility, expressiveness of movements.

They are chosen so that a trained person can perform movements of greater amplitude and intensity, while the less prepared - less. Each will take its toll. Therefore, the complex is suitable for women of all ages and all skill levels. Uniformly develops all muscle groups with emphasis on the training of internal female muscle.

Repeat the movement is minimal, there is no sense of conventionalism. The correctness of exercise becomes a natural and becomes a habit.

The complex is not one of the many ways to correct the figures before the start of the bathing season, the goal of training - well-being.

After classes, there should be a sense of emptiness and vymotannosti. Only positive emotions: joy muscle fatigue, elation and satisfaction of knowing the progress in the development of exercise.

So: find a comfortable place for themselves and look in the mirror. Move so there currently looking for:

- Blades connected
- Shoulders slumped
- Stomach pulled
- Elastic buttocks
- You feel every muscle in his body
- Head proudly raised
- You are beautiful!


Gymnastics coach Ilona Vashkelite and Nina Dorokhova


Tags: dance