Stellar disease: Shia LaBeouf

Stellar disease: Shia LaBeouf
 American actor with Israeli roots Shea (Shia) LaBeouf 25 years managed to pull in a cult TV series and several world-famous blockbusters, including "Transformers" and "Indiana Jones."
 Shia LaBeouf was not born in Hollywood family, but the creative abilities of his parents was not to occupy. His mother, a dancer by profession, worked as a dancer in a nightclub, father amused the people under the guise of a clown. Their only son, apparently went to the character's dad: comedic talent in a guy developed early, and even as a schoolboy, Shea arranged presentation in California clubs. At age ten, pretty boy got personal PR agent, who added the young talent in the popular US TV Club "Disney". A few years later arrived and the first movie roles: fans of the series "The X-Files" LaBeouf remembered as a performer one of the main roles in the episode "The Goldberg Variation".

After visiting iconic "X-Files" Man literally bombarded with invitations, however, in the secondary series and starring roles. A chance to rise to the next level of acting he appeared only with the transition to feature films. Shea played in the comedy series "Charlie's Angels," the thriller "Constantine," the drama "Bobby" - in short, proved to be a versatile actor. At the same time, he graduated from the Music Academy of the Hamiltonian in Los Angeles and became a member of the group performing hip-hop, and later founded and own label «Element Records».

According to critics, the turning point in his career came with the release LaBeouf screens youth thriller "Disturbia," which starred Shia Man sentenced to house arrest and watched from the window of a neighbor with violence. Gorgeous, full of psychology game brought him two statuettes Teen Choice Awards and a nomination for the People's Choice Awards. Soon followed by grandiose projects, in particular the three parts of "Transformers" and "Indiana Jones" by which fees LaBeouf rose to $ 15 million.

In the Hollywood world Shea number of "bad guy." He has twice brought to justice: for refusing to leave the pharmacy and drunk driving. Stay behind bars is reflected in one of the tattoos LaBeouf: on one side it has engraved image of a hand in handcuffs.

Tags: material, transformer, illness, paranoid thriller