Person: Artemy Troitsky

Person: Artemy Troitsky
 Music journalist, actor, owner of music labels, writer, producer, radio host, television host, organizer of rock festivals. All this - Artemy Troitsky. He began his career as an organizer of festivals and rock concerts in the years of the Soviet Union was a rock journalist. Later became the first chief editor of the Russian edition of the famous magazine «Playboy». Then - on NTV television presenter, radio host on "Radio 101", "Europe +", "Echo of Moscow". He teaches at the Moscow State University and the State University of Management.

Artemy Troitsky - known music critic, a leading journalist, producer and actor. He was born in 1955, June 16, in the city of Yaroslavl. In the period from 1955 to 1962 Artemy lived in Moscow. He spent his childhood in Prague, because while his parents were members of the Czech edition of "Problems of Peace and Socialism."

Education Trinity received in Economic and Statistical Institute in Moscow in 1977. His specialty - mathematician and economist. After graduation a young man had to start his career in distribution in the Central Statistical Office. But it did not. In 1978, he obtained a position at the Institute of History of Art, where he studied sociology in pop music until 1983.

At an early age showed a tendency to Artemia music journalism: in 1967 in the school magazine published his review. And in 1975 he published his first article about the band Deep Purple (magazine "same age").

Trinity in the late 70's - early 80-ies. organized the illegal rock concerts and festivals. The participants were "Cinema", "Time Machine", "Zoo" and other well-known bands and performers. In addition, in 1982-1983 years he played guitar in a band "Sounds of Moo".

In the life of the Trinity was a time when his articles were banned in the USSR (1983-1985gg.). It was then that the Latvian television program he started a music video "Video rhythms", where he worked until 1986. In 1987, at the Art book "Rock in the Soviet Union", published in 7 countries. In Russia, this edition has appeared only in 1990. In the same year, Trinity wrote the book "hangouts. What happened to the Soviet underground. " From 1990 to 1996 he worked at various radio stations wherever it appears the author's program "Ark Co. uncle." Then comes the transfer of "F. Dostoevsky "(1997).

Worked Trinity and on television. In 1991 he organized the "Program A". At the same time became head of music broadcast Russian television. Since 1994, Trinity has worked on the NTV channel in the program "Cafe Oblomov".

Artemy Troitsky also known as an actor. In 2001, he appears in the film "Down House". Then, with his participation was released films like "Gloss", "Day Watch" and some others.

Trinity has been married several times. He has three children by different women: the daughter of Alexander, Sophia and son Ivan. But now he lives alone.

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