Oscar-winning French Marion Cotillard

Oscar-winning French Marion Cotillard
 Universal fame and recognition French actress Marion Cotillard received after the movie "Pretty In Pink". Brilliant performance as Edith Piaf in it brought Marion "Oscar".
 Future star was born in Paris on September 30, 1975 in a family of actors and walked in the footsteps of their parents in six years, first appeared on the scene. And she made her debut as an actress in a small episode in the film "nowhere to run", although it is known to Marion came later, in 1997. She successfully played in the theatrical production of his father "Termination of business" and in the same year starred in the film "Taxi" famous Luc Besson. This exciting film won international fame, the young actress has become popular and in demand.

In 2001, Marion Cotillard starred in the melodrama Gilles Paquet-Brenne: she performed her first major film role, or rather two, since there played twin sisters. Images of the sisters asked the actress ability to sing, and she, having behind a decent music education, a month to study singing seriously. Marion also acted in the comedy "Love Me If You Dare," the thriller "Private Investigation" in the cult film Tim Burton's "Big Fish."

Apogee in career Cotillard - films about World War "A Very Long Engagement." The role of a former prostitute, looking for her lover, Marion played a very vital (at the cost of a nervous breakdown) and received for this bright kinoobraz award "Cesar". Then she starred a couple with Russell Crowe in "A Good Year" by Ridley Scott.

And finally, in 2007, the year the picture was released "Pretty In Pink" (about the fate of the famous singer Edith Piaf). Marion Cotillard literally got used to the role of the main character, full of dizzying highs and crushing lows. Prize "Golden Globe" and "Oscar" - award winning talented actress for bright, unforgettable image kinovoploschenie legendary singer.

The actress has a son Marcel, born in 2011, it is full of creative plans, actively removed: recently saw the release of "contaminated" by Steven Soderbergh with Marion Cotillard in one of the main roles.

Tags: biography, Marion Cotillard, filmography