German diet

 This long-term diet is designed for seven weeks. In spite of this period, it is not so complicated. Although it is recognized that at the end of this diet have some difficult.

1st week: water (one day).

Week 2: water (first day), oranges (second day).

Week 3: water (first day), oranges (second day), apples (the third day).

Week 4: water (first day), orange (second day), apples (third day), the juice (fourth day).

Week 5: water (first day), oranges (second day), apples (the third day), juice (fourth day), yogurt (fifth day).

Week 6: water (first day), orange (second day), apples (third day), the juice (the fourth day), yogurt (fifth day), pineapple (the sixth day).

Week 7: water (first day), orange (second day), apples (third day), the juice (the fourth day), yogurt (fifth day), pineapple (the sixth day), water (the seventh day).

During all days of the diet you can drink still water.

Tags: diet