Banishes spring blues!

 Simple and accessible exercises to lift the mood and performance shows yoga instructor Natalia Antokhina These exercises in yoga called Five Tibetans. Each of them raises the tone, develops endurance, whole body adjusts to the active job.

Simple and accessible exercises to lift the mood and performance shows yoga instructor Natalia Antokhina
These exercises in yoga is called "Five Tibetans". Each of them raises the tone, develops endurance, whole body adjusts to the active job. To perform 15 minutes away.

After each exercise, stand up straight, hands on his belt, inhale through your nose, exhale - through the mouth, lips curved in the shape of the letter "O". Repeat the inhale and exhale. And only then proceed to the next exercise.

Pose 1

Stand with your hands apart. Fingers together, palms open. Without changing the position of the hands, make a full turn in a clockwise direction (ie, right). Repeat turns without interruption. This exercise strengthens the vestibular apparatus.

Banishes spring blues!

Pose 2

Lie on your back. Legs to pull out, his hands - along the body, palms turn to the floor. Breathe in the nose and slowly lift your legs a little more than 90 degrees. Almost simultaneously lift your head, chin touching the breast. In this exercise, your toes are pointing up, lower back does not come off the floor. Returning to the initial position, as can exhale nose and mouth.

Banishes spring blues!

Pose 3

Get on your knees and gently spread them. The pads of the toes should touch the floor. Take palms buttocks. Back straight, collections, pinned to his chest. Breathe in through your nose and arch your back arch. Zaprokinte head back. In this position, tilt arms will serve you support. Exhaling mouth, return to the starting position.

Banishes spring blues!

Pose 4

Sit up straight, feet pull ahead. Turn the palm of your hand to the ground, hands - just along the thighs. As for the chin chest. Breathing through the nose, climb, bending your knees, and stand on your hands, it turns out position that is similar to a "bridge". Head at the same time must be thrown back. Keep the torso parallel to the ground and his hands and feet - perpendicular. Returning to the original position, exhale through nose or mouth.

Banishes spring blues!

Pose 5

Starting position - reliance on the palms of the hands and feet fingertips. Head up and thrown back. Without bending your arms and legs, inhale through the nose, while lifting the chin touching the buttocks and breasts. In this position, your body is a regular triangle. Going down to the starting position, exhale through the nose or mouth.

Banishes spring blues!


How to manage emotions through breathing

1. A long breath - quick breath. Hyperventilation occurs and the man on the rise.

2. Quick breath - a long exhale. There is a slight hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the lungs), and the body is relaxed, there is drowsiness. The same effect is achieved if the left nostril breathing, closing at the same time tend to do the opposite - invigorating.


This gym is desirable to do every day, it is better in the first half. Fasting or three hours after a meal. Get to exercise gradually. Initially, enough to implement them 2 - 3 times.

Even if the first time the habit you will bend slightly and be able to do one or two "Tibetan", the effect will not be lost. Dizziness, weakness and other unpleasant symptoms during gymnastics - a signal that you are clearly overzealous and it's time to relax.

The program can be considered mastered, if you are able to repeat each of the five exercises 21 times.

Council of Psychologists

Symptoms of depression spring - decreased performance, increased fatigue, irritability, bad mood, do not want to.

What to do? Walk in the fresh air! Especially in sunny weather. After all, from a lack of sunlight in the body decreases the amount of the hormone melatonin, which affects our mood.

Ask yourself called association said "late spring", "summer". Surely it will be very vigorously - "riot of colors", "intensive growth", "bloom", "a lot of movement", "long days", "fun night". The feeling of spring blues - Now it's all the magnificence exhausted. And they really do not have anything to worry about. Do not exaggerate. Forces gradually be added as well as added a sunny day.

Do not think that everything can read thoughts and need to know how you feel bad. One of the causes of depression - a lack of support from the outside. If you want to understand, we must be clear, and for this you just have to talk, to talk about their experiences of a loved one.

Proven "cure" depression: a quarter tile bitter dark chocolate with scalding coffee in the morning.

Tags: blues

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