Diet for graduates

 If Mom spring think about how they will look in the light dresses, by the same thoughts daughters need to add on even painful thoughts about ... examinations. Of course exams - this is not end of the world, but they are able to plunge into despair, even the biggest optimist, let alone the rest and say nothing. Full range of troubles, from unbearable headaches to dull apathy. To understand these issues, of course, is to consult with a psychologist. But do not bring themselves to such a state. Especially because there are highly affordable tools that can help us in this.

First of all, necessary to proper nutrition. You should not go to extremes. Overeating makes the digestive organs to work hard, and not the brain. Starvation leads to a lack of receipt of vitamins, amino acids and other components necessary for the brain.

The diet should be present as animal products (meat, fish, cheese) and vegetable (vegetables, fruits, cereals) origin. Obligatory - chocolate, nuts, sweet tea, lemon, raisins does not hurt. All of these products stimulate the brain.

Better to exclude rolls, pastries, potatoes, rice and pasta. The use of these products require a lot of energy in your body for processing, the blood flow will be redirected to the digestive system and the brain becomes starved. Be sure to include in the diet of meat, fish, eggs, vegetable oil.

As a side dish fit boiled vegetables, and for dessert - fruit. Do not try to food was very tasty, it can change the accents. Food possess the feelings and learning material falling by the wayside. For the same reason it is not recommended to use the seasoning, ketchups and other sharp components.

The most important thing - to eat during exam preparation must regularly not to create additional stress in the body. When we are hungry, our brain is not able to absorb the material, and all thoughts are directed only at how to satisfy your hunger. It is better to eat more frequently than in usual days, - 5-7 times, but in small portions.

What is?

Delicacy for the brain. They supply the body with vitamins, fats, acids, which do not give your attention loose and enough only 100 grams a day.

Specifics are good if you have to intense mental stress. Nuts are a beneficial effect on brain function, strengthen the nervous system.

To improve memory "cramming." Before the upcoming memorization is necessary to eat a bowl of grated carrots with vegetable oil.

Favorite fruit of our pop stars. If you need to keep in mind a large amount of text, formulas or foreign words, the body needs vitamin C, which is in abundance found in this fruit. Furthermore, pineapples low calorie content. Drink pineapple juice. Enough to drink 1 cup a day to feel the result.

Adjusts the activity of the endocrine glands, relieves stress. Eat coleslaw before exams, and you can safely pass it.

Refreshing ideas and facilitates the perception of information due to the large amount of vitamin C before the exam nice to drink a glass of lemon juice.

Coderzhat substance serotonin needed by the brain to the analyzed: are you happy?

Quickly neutralize negative emotions. At least 150 grams, and you're all right!

The sharper the better. Aromatic substances contribute to the production of endorphins - ie "Happiness hormones".

What to drink?
Do not forget to drink often. Studies have shown that children who drink more water, better focus, easier to digest new information and less likely to suffer from headaches. When engaged, keep on the table a bottle or jug ​​of water and plain water if you do not like it, spread a small amount of fruit concentrate.

Drinks with high sugar content should be avoided, since due to their energy level drops as soon as you drink them.

Drink plenty of water a day before the exam, but it is desirable long that the water has completely passed through the body, and you do not have to hold an examination in the toilet.

How and when to eat?
Forces will not leave you, if in the morning to eat breakfast with 1 teaspoon honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 cup of lemon juice or orange. This recipe is "bequeathed" we still Paracelsus.

Feel that without a snack can not do? Walk away to another room and do a normal break to relax and nourish the brain. Try: fresh fruit or dried fruit, a bowl of soup, a piece of cheese, unsalted nuts, yogurt, freshly made milkshake.

Do not try to learn while you dine or snacks - take away food separate time, and you will feel much better and fresher, getting back to textbooks.

Responsible Breakfast
In the morning before the exam, eat something high in protein and fiber, eggs, beans or mushrooms on toast, toast with honey or oatmeal, muesli. But if you are too nervous to eat a lot, eat a couple bananas, raisins or fruit milkshake that will support you in the exam.

Useful oatmeal

Put the oats in a saucepan, cover with water or milk and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and simmer for 4-5 minutes, stirring from time to time so that it does not stick to the bottom.

Pasta "pre-examination"
300 g pasta, 200 grams of minced meat, 1 pc. onions, 1/2 cans of corn, mayonnaise Calve, salt.
Cook the pasta, fry minced meat with finely chopped onions. Add various spices (pepper, hop-suneli). Cooked and rinsed pasta mixed with minced meat, lightly fry. Add corn and mayonnaise.

Magic Cocktail
150 grams of yogurt, 1 banana, peeled and sliced ​​1 ripe mango, peeled and chopped 4 tablespoons liquid honey, 350 ml. fresh orange juice, nutmeg to taste.

Put all ingredients (except nutmeg) in a blender and whip. Pour into tall glasses, sprinkle with a little nutmeg and serve immediately. This is one of the healthiest breakfast. Over time, milkshakes lose all the vitamins, so they need to drink immediately after preparation.

Tags: diet graduate