How to lose weight with the help of pills

 With all the abundance of recipes to combat obesity, the consumer often prefers the most simple methods. That is, those that require minimal willpower and physical costs. These traditionally been receiving various drugs "for weight loss." However, the tablet tablet strife.

The mass of existing products on the market - frankly dubious quality and origin. Scientific basis underlying many of our products also put it mildly, raises questions. So let's look at the options offered by the traditional medical approach. Without dietary supplements, biofeedback therapy and other intricacies.

What methods are best studied

By slimming traditional medicine considers four main types of products:

*"Fillers" or ballast - Means, based on substances that can swell in the digestive tract (cellulose, bran, agar-agar, and so forth.). The mechanism of action is to fill the stomach "food" that is not nutritious at all. It creates only the illusion of fullness.

*"Cleaning" means - Which include diuretics and laxatives natural and synthetic (semi-synthetic) origin.

*"Sinks" and "burners" fat. The first breaks down fats from food, right in the gastrointestinal tract, preventing them assimilated and deposited (products based on chitin from crustacean shells, etc.). The second "burn" already accumulated in the body reserves (based on pineapple enzyme - bromelain, South American guarana).

*the so-called "anorectics" - Means of reducing the appetite. They act directly on the brain, helping people adjust their feelings, to withstand the recommended diet.

About the features of these drugs says gynecologist, endocrinologist, Inna Dejneka:

Since everyone is different, causes of overweight are also different - there are no hard due approaches to medical treatment. However, we can talk about some general patterns.

* If the arrival of more calories than or equal to consumption - to lose weight is not possible. Without limiting the increase in food and physical activity promises to make you slim gazelle - tales of his grandfather Panas.

* How efficiently you build your food restrictions? Where and how your energy is spent - on mental work, physical work, exercise or heavy debilitating disease? All this is very, very important!

Practice shows that many weight loss methods actually are artificially created disease. Therefore, it is our goal - to not just lose weight, but to do so without harm to the body.

*Quickly - is not helpful. Our body loves gradually. What kopilos years, will not go away for a week.

*All drugs are prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is not allowed. Anyone most progressive method in the hands of an amateur dangerous.

- A proven themselves as agents of these groups in practice?

I have to say that the worst method of losing weight "on the pill" - is a laxative and diuretic. They do not act on the cause and may lead to serious violations of water and mineral metabolism in the body.

"Fillers" work when they are used instead of food, but not with her.

"Scavengers" fat also give effect - until they are taking. However, if you do not change eating habits, after discontinuation of the drug all back to normal.

In my practice, I often appoint agents that reduce appetite. How Come?

Firstly, they are to some extent the cause - helping a person to form a new food stereotype. He gets used to eating less saturated, there is less and consciously shape the nutritional needs.

In addition overstretched stomach from overeating becomes normal size and tone (if you use "fillers" - this does not happen). What helps and after discontinuation of the drug to eat without the frills.

They do not "burn" no fat and thin enough to allow gradually, as it is necessary. And most importantly - a person begins to believe that he can not gobble, and to eat.

I had no less than fifty patients have passed since the positive effect of such treatment. All women - because I work in the antenatal clinic.

- What do you think about the price of these drugs?

Laxatives and diuretics are the cheapest. Drugs more expensive fillers. "Sinks" and "burners" fats, as well as anorectics most expensive. Recently, however, there are drugs at much lower prices, that does not always mean poor quality. In any case, this should solve your doctor.

Finally.ANY slimming - justASSISTANTS in changingYOU their lives. But "who" you take in these assistants - this often depends on your figure and, more importantly, the safety of health.

Tags: appetite tablet