Diet passport

 For someone whole life - continuous struggle with overweight. There are more than 30 thousand of diets, but even this diversity does not guarantee success. And all because the diet, as well as wardrobe, you should pick up the passport.

If you're 20 years old

Strategic planning

Your calories - 2,000 a day. Powerful metabolism (metabolism) makes it easy to lose weight, but do not forget that he typed very fast. Hormones, as well as the skeleton is not fully developed yet, which means that the body needs across the full spectrum of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. At such a young age are contraindicated monodiets (when all your meals for the week is limited to only one product - rice, tomatoes, etc.). Acceptable fasting days, but not more than days a week.

What is the problem?

The big problem at this age is the lack of iron in the body. Lean on foods that contain iron: beef and pork liver, kidney, egg yolks, nuts, asparagus, apples and oysters. In addition, 20 years old - an age when many girls are thinking about planning a baby. To prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth should advance: eat more foods rich in folic acid (beans and kidney beans).

Tactics harmony

The diet must necessarily be present boiled lean meat. For example, beef. Do not ignore the fat, it is only necessary to choose them correctly. Give preference to fat oligokislotam omega-3. They contain abundant in marine fish, cod liver oil (rich in vitamins A) and flax seed, which can be used as a daily food supplement.

Secret weapon.

Apples. There is a saying: "Who eats an apple a day, at that doctor did not happen." And it is absolutely true, because apples, especially at this age, can work wonders. Eating more of these wonderful fruits, and the weight will always be normal. If you need to lose a few pounds hateful, unloading apple a day - your salvation.

If you are 30 years old

Strategic planning

Unfortunately, in this age, metabolic rate slows down. You eat as usual, but relentlessly pounds begin to be added. It's time to learn how to fill the fridge anyway.

What is the problem?

With age, the absorption of vitamins the body becomes more difficult. The main task - to remedy the lack of vitamins C, D, E and zinc. Make it a rule to season all the dishes with lemon juice - and you provide yourself daily rate of vitamin C lean fish, quail eggs and dairy products are rich in vitamin D. A vitamin E is in olive, almond and flaxseed oil. Just do not forget that these oils should certainly be cold-pressed, so vitamins reach the goal nearly intact. Zinc, which is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system is contained in the bran, seafood, milk (low-fat), meat (beef, lean pork) and cereals.

Tactics harmony

"No grease!" - That's the motto for the next decade for those who want to maintain a slim figure. Cut off everything, even the smallest, pieces of fat from meat and forget about meats, sausages, hard cheese, butter and margarine. At this age, the daily intake of fat - not more than 50 grams. Do not panic! Ideal - the Mediterranean diet. Vegetables, fish, seafood and whole-grain products such as pasta from durum wheat and dark bread, will not get bored and become good helpers in the struggle for harmony. For dessert, choose only fruits and berries, no pastries and cakes.

Secret Weapon - Rejection of the dinners. Everyone remembers the famous rule "eat breakfast myself, dinner Share with a friend, dinner give to the enemy."

If you're over 40

Strategic planning

In adulthood, any diet should be aimed at maintaining harmony is not so much how much health and wellness. It is necessary to permanently give up fasting and mono-diet: they are fraught with the loss of a large amount of useful trace elements and vitamins.

What is the problem?

Beach women crossed the threshold of the fortieth anniversary - osteoporosis. Calcium - the most necessary element of power in this age. Most physiological source of calcium - dairy products. This element is needed not only for the normal operation of the bones and muscles of the heart, but also promotes weight loss, burning fat. It is also necessary to include antioxidants in the diet. Choose fruits and vegetables with bright colors. For example, eggplant, plums, asparagus, tomatoes. For the prevention of insomnia, migraine headaches and lethargy are supported in normal magnesium, it is sufficient in a handful of dried almonds.

Tactics harmony

So what should be the diet to fit adulthood and to compensate for necessary expenses of the body? Many nutritionists believe plant-dairy diet best for women in this age group. Oatmeal as a source of plant fibers must be present in the menu. Do not get involved with protein diets, they are too overwhelmed kidney. Replace cakes with nuts and dried apricots.

Secret Weapon - Foreign Fruit papaya, which is now difficult to find on store shelves. Arrange a papayevye fasting days. You need no more than 2 pounds a day. Active fat burning in combination with enzyme enrichment of the gastrointestinal tract will help preserve harmony.

And finally, one piece of advice: in the struggle for harmony at any age it is possible to connect a herbal medicine.

20-30 years: a tablespoon Knotweed, corn stigmas, elderberry, chamomile and elecampane.
30-40 years: a tablespoon of corn stigmas, dandelion root, lemon balm, calendula and hammers hips.

How to use: 1 tbsp. l. finished collecting pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes Strain, cool and take 1 tbsp. l. infusion 3-4 times a day before meals. Drinking such teas can be continually.

Comment specialist

Yulia Alexandrova, dermatologist, dietitian:

"The idea that each age qualification requires its own power supply system is not new, and is under a scientifically proven justification.

Over the life of our body there are various metamorphoses: some processes are slowed down, others on the contrary are gaining speed. The greatest changes occur with the endocrine system. Hormonal changes. And hormones - is, in fact, conductors of all processes. It is not surprising that the same cake, eaten forty mother or her daughter two decades, a completely different impact on their health and on the waist.

Indeed, after 30 years, the rate of metabolism (metabolism) is reduced, calories consumed slowly. And if we add to this a sedentary lifestyle, or the presence of any somatic diseases, there is a high probability that, surpassing the threshold of thirty, a woman will have problems with excess weight. Yes, and the assimilation of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) with age hampered by natural processes of wear of tissues and organs. It is evident that the gastrointestinal tract of twenty women still more healthy condition than forty women and, consequently, function and nutrient delivery to the adsorption of harmful substances it copes much better. "

Natalia Karpova

Tags: passport, diet, vitamin, wardrobe