Diet: Lie to your body!

 In the United States conducted the latest research related to healthy eating. The new formula for success: only fed people can lose weight! For more information about dropping excess weight, in the pages of women's magazine JustLady

We all know how to lose weight, but not many then keep achieved weight. And it is for women a very serious problem, because the formation of a beautiful figure - hard work and you need to work on it constantly. Otherwise, do not avoid the effect of "yo-yo". (Most likely, many found the real boom around a small toy yo-yo - a simple ball on a string, which you can subscribe to the incredible figure and that always returns to the owner).

German scientists have called such a strange word as "yo-yo" weight loss is inevitable following the set of extra pounds. During the diet the body is sounding the alarm, because the famine - is a great danger for him. He begins to defend himself, while moving to "economy mode".

It reduces its energy consumption during respiration, cardiac activity and metabolism by 40 percent. The body requires fewer calories now than ever before, and feels happy again. When diet and fasting periods end, man is the same as before, the body receives calories in which he does not need.

Consequently, these calories are sent to the formation of fat reserves, because the body wants to "stock up" to survive the next period of starvation. And after a short period of time a person becomes a lot better than it was before the diet. Next regular fasting and yo-yo effect leads man in a vicious circle.

As well at the same time lose weight and stay in good shape for a long time, and even better for all? This question has only one answer: to completely change your lifestyle. Will lose weight only when a person changes the general their eating habits and systematically burns calories, doing some sports. In this case, reset pounds slower maximum 400 gr. a week, but just so you have a real chance to stay slim after the diet.

The latest research on healthy eating come from the United States. They consist in the opposition of something new is already outdated eating habits. The old rules regarding non-fatty foods and baked goods, do not lead to achieving the desired goal, because after such a person's diet anyway then gaining weight. The new formula for success: only fed person can lose weight.

Less carbs, more protein.

The body needs fat and proteins, which are found for example in lean fish, poultry or meat. Why fish with vegetables nourishes the body better than white bread and potatoes? Proteins allows you to feel full. The body needs them to replenish their energy. When the body's needs are met, he gives the signal: stop. At the same time a person uses less food rich in protein.

ConverselyYou often feel hungry when eat foods rich in carbohydrates. This depends on sugar which also uses the body as an energy source, and which is produced from carbohydrates. There is no difference between white bread, pasta or chocolate: how fast can these be satisfied, just as quickly then you start to experience the feeling of hunger.

Strong shock dose of sugar, for example, after the cupcakes and Coca-Cola, leads to the production of insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels, and then it also greatly increases. This causes a feeling of hunger. In this case, even carbohydrates are harmful to health, because a profound effect on blood sugar.

And out of this situation, too, have a decent yield: vegetables, cereals and rye bread contain more dietary fibers that slow down the digestive process and the production of sugar in the blood.

Only the one who reduces carbohydrate content can lose weight.

Weight loss at the main rule is the following: when the body receives fewer carbohydrates together with white bread, pasta or chocolate body fat starts to be burned. Or when the concentration of insulin in the blood is constantly low, the body begins to process its own fat.

In this case, you need to eat less, because their own fat reserves - is the last thing the body uses for energy. First he uses for this protein-rich muscle mass. In order to prevent the weakening of the muscles need to constantly engage in sports during weight loss.
Meanwhile, it can burn more calories and increase the body's need for energy.

Eat right - but what?

Three meals a day - enough. The decisive factor is the feeling of satiety. Can quickly be satisfied with bread, wholemeal, bread from wheat is necessary to refuse. The problem is that we eat fats and carbohydrates in mixed form, for example, sausage sandwiches and ketchup, which is a serious mistake. To lose weight, you need to learn to control themselves and, of course, to write down everything eaten

Tags: body, diet