Color Diet

 Phytonutrients, which are found in colorful plant foods, the most useful food in accordance with the latest research. Each color in natural products is a certain phytonutrients role, they all work together for the benefit of health. Different days of the week - different color products. The principle of mono-diet allows lose weight by 2 kg per month. You can eat even a lifetime. And if we apply this principle to clothes, you're on the right track ...  

Nail Care: cuticle

Monday - White

Boiled potatoes, bananas, rice, milk, cheese, mozzarella, spaghetti, coconut pulp, boiled egg protein, chestnuts, cauliflower. Nuance: in the "white" foods a lot of carbohydrates. Be careful with them, if you do not plan to grow stout. White cool - gives energy.

Tuesday - Red

Red beans, tomatoes, cherries, red currants, basturma, dry red wine, red sweet pepper, cayenne pepper.

Products such as cranberries, beets, red grapes and berries get their bright color due to flavonoids, more powerful antioxidants than vitamin C. Flavonoids in red wine protect the heart.

Antotsiandiny, the most powerful flavonoids, give the color red vidnogradu, blueberries, blackberries and black currants.

Red increases blood circulation, improves muscle tone, three times. The body in exactly the same mode spends calories.

Wednesday - green

Leafy vegetables, green herbs, kiwi fruit, green tea, rhubarb, cucumbers, seaweed.

Brussels sprouts and broccoli - a rich source of chlorophyll and magnesium - necessary for the nerves, muscles, and hormonal balance.

Green soothes and relaxes. However, it does not promote weight loss, so to arrange a "green" days is not too often.

Thursday - Orange

Carrot, papaya, salmon, mango, sea buckthorn, pumpkin.

Watermelons, carrots, mangoes, apricots, peaches, papaya and tomatoes contain carotenoids such as beta-carotene, a well as lycopene, both of which have strong anti-cancer properties and prevent premature aging.

Orange - increases appetite. But much you ate ... will still lose weight! Furthermore, it is believed that all the orange protects against colds.

Friday - purple

Eggplant, dark grapes, blackberries, blueberries, black currant, plum, tarragon.

Purple - slows metabolism, causes drowsiness. But if you will exasperate colic, can act as a painkiller.

Saturday - yellow

Pineapple, peaches, apricots, sweet yellow peppers, zucchini, sweet yellow apples, corn, "mature" cheese, honey, beer, egg yolk.

Corn and yellow peppers rich kartenoidami (not to confuse with karatenoidami), powerful antioxidants. Mustard comprise turmeric and curcumin antioxidant having anti-inflammatory properties.
Yellow - the most "Antipyretic" Toggle the thought of food for intellectual thought. And charging a great mood!


Only mineral water. Fasting day.

Tags: diet, color