Candy diet

 Such a sweet diet has come to us from climbers and avid hikers. They have long noticed that the candy perfectly suppress hunger, while not burdening the stomach. These wonderful qualities immediately noticed a friend of climbers and also took note of these advantages caramels, and then themselves began to use them as a means to lose weight.

Thus, the essence of the diet is traditional meals replaced candies. In an average day resolves one pack of candy, which is about 75 grams. If you need to lose weight quickly, except for candies have nothing more to be. If you want to lose weight 2-3 kg per month, traditional meals to 16 hours are saved and replaced by candy for dinner and extinguished all evening and night hunger pangs. You are free to form an individual weight loss program and use this diet, say, once a week - as a fasting day.

In his experiment, I first used the candies of different firms. Then a friend advised me to use fortified caramels, which are sold in many drugstores. On the first week I chose a rigorous program and did not eat anything but these chocolates. During the first day I lost 1, 2 kilograms and felt pretty comfortable. Lollipops perfectly suppress hunger, and there I did not want a completely. By the way, what is important, energy is not diminished. For the second and third days of the diet, I effortlessly become easier by 1, 8 kilograms. Losing weight has gone a bit slower, but health has not worsened. Over the next four days of weight loss occurred at approximately 0, 5 kg per day. Thus, for the first week I lost 5 pounds, and the need for such a strict diet eliminated. Gradually, it was necessary to go back to the old type of food. That efforts were not in vain, do not just go for the food. In the second week, restore the breakfast only, and you will continue to lose weight about 2 pounds per week. In the third week may be returned to full meal, and in this case, will continue to lose weight by an average of 1 kilogram per week. If you are satisfied with the result, you can complete the course. But in any case it is useful to organize weekly prophylactic fasting days."Candy" diet has several advantages over other methods of weight loss:

1. Most diets are dangerous because after their completion, as well as directly during the course irresistibly drawn to the sweet, and many in the end not stand. I have to say: "candy" diet devoid of blemish at all. On the contrary, after four days on the course does not pull very sweet, well, after two weeks of such a diet you do not want it is still very, very long time, and therefore, the effect will be saved after completion of the diet.

2. Many diets are based on the consumption of low-calorie foods. In this case, the saturation of the body requires a large number of these products, with the result that you are risking yourself to stretch the stomach, and at the end of the diet, when you'll be back on a high-calorie foods, your body will require their former volume. It is not hard to guess that very, very soon dropped pounds back, and with them may appear and new.

3. Often we forget that a person should drink about two liters of fluid a day. When "candy" diet forget about it you do not succeed at all desire - the body itself will keep on reminding you of this.

4. All Diet drugs are expensive, and a pack of candy will cost you 20-50 rubles per day.

5. If you are already very tired of caramel, alternate this diet with fruit or milk. By the way, do not forget that with this "sweet" diet raises the urgent need for replenishment of calcium in the body. For this purpose it is necessary to accept either tablets or used products rich in this element. For example, a good day to drink two glasses of milk or supplement sweet diet low fat cottage cheese.

6. If you brush your teeth three to four times a day, or rinse your mouth with a special solution, you can not only get rid of the constant sweet taste in your mouth, but also reliably protect your teeth from decay.

Tags: diet