Bikini diet

 3 weeks of this diet you can lose up to 4 pounds.  

In the diet laid three prerequisites:

1. The daily you will consume a little more than 1,000 calories, so you can easily get rid of excess fat accumulation. And since women fat accumulates mainly in the abdomen and thighs, then this diet will help to quickly restore harmony of your figure.
2. excluded from this diet food, from which women are generally "carries"
3. You'll have 4 times a day and gradually. This includes the full range of vitamins and minerals.

General rules: daily drink 6 glasses of water, adding a touch of lemon juice. Coffee should be abandoned - preferably chamomile tea or green. Forget about the cocktails - from them you will swell up like a balloon. Maybe someone is upset, but the beer is canceled, as well as other alcohol. Instead, allowed to drink a glass of wine (100kkal) once a day.

Now select one breakfast, one lunch, one lunch and one dinner:

Breakfast (200 kcal)
1. fruit salad from one cup of yogurt and fruit
2. a dry cake made of millet, a glass of milk, one pear.
3. one egg, one slice of rye bread fried in the toaster
4. half a glass of grapefruit juice, tomato, 2 tablespoons of corn, rye bread 2 with butter, 2 teaspoons of jam

Lunch (300 kcal)
1. 200g of boiled chicken, salad of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, 2 rice cakes with butter, one orange
2. 150g of fish, salad, seasoned with lemon juice, 175 grams of potatoes in their skins
3. One bannock, cucumber salad, 75g of fish, lemon juice, 2 plums
4. Sandwich 2 slices of bread with lettuce and 50 g of chicken or beef, one plum.
5. A piece of melon, egg, bean salad, 3 young potatoes, one banana.
5. 250 g fried chicken legs, 2 bread and butter, 2 tomatoes, 12 g of cheese.

Afternoon snack
1. A piece of melon, 2 rice cakes with margarine, 2 tablespoons of jam, 1 processed cheese.
2. 50 g of cheese, 2 rye bread, butter, tomatoes, onions, one apple
3. A large portion of salad, a slice of orange, 4 dates, 2 tablespoons cheese.
4. 1 cup of yogurt, a slice of bread, 25 g of cream cheese

Dinner (300 kcal)
1. 75g roasted meat 75g potatoes, beans, tomatoes, cabbage.
2. Half a grapefruit sprinkled with cinnamon, 250g of fish, lemon peel, watercress, green beans, 1 tablespoon carrot stew
3. a piece of melon, 250 g of chicken legs, salad of mushrooms, salad, 1 orange
4. A paste of half an avocado, 75g tun6tsa with lemon juice, salad of lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes.
5. 150 grams of chicken breast with 2 tablespoons of yogurt Nightingale, braised fennel or celery, beans, tomatoes, 1 large banana.
6. 100 g of liver, cauliflower, squash, table spoon of green peas, tomato, one slice of bread.

Tags: diet, bikini