Stone therapy

 How often in daily life we ​​forget about ourselves, constantly exposed to stress, experiencing severe muscle tension. But, try to stop. Imagine how your skin to glide hot warm stones, heat replaces cold, and cold - warm. The muscles relax, the mood is improving, and the stress was gone? Then stone therapy or hot stone massage - just what you need!

Under the heading Diet: Diet Green

Stone therapy technique got its name from the English word stone - «stone." Appearing in our country not so long ago, it has already gained popularity. Indeed, stone therapy eliminates not only from stress, depression and muscle tension, it also improves blood circulation, carries lymph, stimulates the elimination of toxins, excess fluids and toxins, promotes tissue oxygen saturation, helps with arthritis, osteochondrosis, restores tone and elasticity of the skin, speeds up metabolism helping to get rid of body fat.

The stones are used to massage the smooth, flattened, of volcanic origin. They have the ability to retain heat for a long time and, moreover, contain magnesium, iron and a great amount of mineral micro and trace elements. Used 54 black hot and 18 white cold stones that alternate, and one stone at room temperature. Stones are heated by special heaters to a warmer countries simply heated in the sun, or in hot water to an average temperature of 40 degrees.

In some diseases, such as cardiovascular, physical exhaustion, and if you are emotionally excitable, the stones are not heated above 37-38 degrees.

But cold stones are usually kept in a freezer.

Impact of stones can be short - 5 minutes and long - up to 10 minutes. Accordingly, the longer the exposure, the heat penetrates deeper into the muscle tissue.

Stone therapy session lasts from 45 minutes to one and a half hours and is usually performed in a relaxed setting. Chance of massage with aromatic oils. It is used mainly in the cosmetic purposes. In general, there are various techniques of stone therapy.

But, regardless of the technology after the procedure, the stones are treated with disinfectants, soaked in soapy water and rinsed well in running water. After that, it is desirable that the stones lie on the sun, energize it with energy, since according to ancient beliefs, they collect and give energy to everyone.

Stonetherapy procedure begins with the application on the skin of the aromatic oil. So that the body slowly began to relax, lay out the stones in a certain order along the spine, lower back, abdomen, shoulders, arms, etc. Depending on the size of the stones can be decomposed into active points of the body. Then massage the skin with stones, alternating hot and cold. Massage begins with a stop, then move to the shins, thighs, arms, neck, shoulders and upper chest.

After the session, stone therapy is best to arrange a little rest to fully feel the stress and tension, the internal state of harmony.

Contraindications for stone therapy are: acute infectious diseases, inflammation of the skin, internal organs, some lesions of the cardiovascular system, neurological and psychiatric diseases, cancer, pregnancy.

And it is very important to remember that in the treatment of diseases with the help of stone therapy should consult a doctor, and the procedure itself carried out by specialists. And for total body relaxation and stress relief stone therapy can even be used on their own at home.

This will require smooth stones that are suitable to the body, weighing not more than 100-200 g, heated in water and a certain mental attitude. Before a session limit intake of strong coffee, tea and other soft drinks and alcohol. Do not spend the day water treatment.

The main results of stone therapy: detoxification of the skin and muscles, improve blood circulation, deep relaxation of the whole body, relieve pain, increase immunity, a state of harmony and peace, a sense of the inflow of positive energy. What you will agree, is not enough. And the simplicity, ease and pleasantness method gives an unforgettable experience!

Author: Olga Winnick

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