Healing stones

 In any gem or metal enclosed a magical sense. In them - a reflection of the deep cosmic mysteries still not fully disclosed the man. But the mystery is not an obstacle for the study of the healing forces, prisoners in some emerald and silver bracelets. Can something not know, but it is impossible not to feel that affects our body.  

Delicious Diet

The healing properties of precious minerals tested by many generations. It is also known that skin "not indifferent" to them. No wonder that in Egypt, and in the ancient world, and in the Middle Ages, people gave so much importance to gold and silver jewelry, precious and semiprecious stones, recognizing their therapeutic effect. Greek beauty, for example, applied to the skin daily coins and plates of gold. It was believed that the skin of it becomes soft and supple.

And in our time, some beauticians believe that many minerals have medicinal properties.

It is believed that, for instance, silver has an antiseptic effect; Malachite strengthens the skin's structure, making it more resistant to the harmful effects of the environment; amethyst prevents wrinkles.

You can have different attitudes to the healing properties of minerals. The issue here is the belief that if something to be absolutely convinced that it is quite possible that this faith can work wonders.

Elixir for washing

In a glass of boiled or spring water put any decoration on the day. That's how much time is needed to the active properties of stone or metal went into the water.

Wipe this water after washing the face, neck, chest and hands in the morning and evening.

Anti-stress massage

2 amber beads or a piece of amber, it is desirable to make the correct form of biologically active points on the face, alternating with light pressure relaxation.
Thanks contained in stone succinic acid (a powerful bio-stimulants) will open the energy channels, and it relieves stress, and the skin becomes more fresh and supple.
Massage lasts 5-15 minutes. Before the massage should be rubbed on wool beads: electrostatic properties gem complement anti-stress effect.

Rejuvenating massage

Before you put on your skin cream, take a smoothly polished amethyst (you can ring or earrings, but so as not to touch the rim of the body) and 5-7 min. move a skin lines on them.
Ions stone have regenerative properties - in a few weeks the skin becomes fresher and lighter. Amethyst can be replaced by a gold ring - gold ions also have a regenerating effect.

Stone and metal is better to choose according to their zodiac sign, then they strengthen and harmonize the energy given by nature.

The best mascots deemed stones donated or received by inheritance. Stones bought in the store, requires a certain period of time to "become intimate" with its owner.

But not only in cosmetology and medicine to help the stones. Precious and semi-precious stones, charms and also can bring money luck to the owner.

Author: Nathan Veal