Denny Rose is the fashion trends 2007

 In its Spring 2007 collection of Italian firm Denny Rose is betting on gold, combining it with white, gray, blue and yellow. From this collection only wins. Not without the classic black.

Leading designers Denny Rose offer a great selection of blouses from everyday to evening, for every taste. The range of models of the most diverse. General detail - chic and sexy, they combine perfectly with both classic suit or with jeans democratic.

Denny Rose is the fashion trends 2007

Will impress demanding customers a wide choice of dresses. Favorite length Denny Rose - above the knee - allows you to shine at parties, as well as wear dresses with leggings or jeans day. In a dress by Denny Rose you will never get lost in the crowd.

In the spring collection presented strict classical jackets for the office and the original jackets for special corporate events.

Pants, shorts, skirts
Cigarette pants and pants-pipes, Bermuda, satin shorts pleasing to the eye and infect a desire to try and experiment with a blouse or top.

Mini denim skirt and jersey awaken the imagination of the most cold-blooded fan and friend to provoke a desire to imitate you.

Designers look at everyday denim clothing from a new angle: narrow at the ankles strapped and wide elastic band jeans look unusual and attract attention, especially if you wear them with gold boots or shoes. A lover of loose clothing offers special free models wide straight jeans and overalls. Mini-skirts and shorts are added sexuality, and metallic luster to the fabric - chic.

Denny Rose is the fashion trends 2007

Such a wide range of accessories firm Denny Rose offers for the first time: leather and metal belts, bags of different colors, a wide choice of jewelery - there's room for imagination to transform the everyday into the festive clothing.

For the first time the company has offered Denny Rose fan of this brand collection of shoes from boots and ankle boots to shoes and sandals. All models are very successful shoe, fit perfectly into the collection and we anticipate this trend has a great future.

Denny Rose is the fashion trends 2007

Complete collection Denny Rose Spring 2007 can be seen on the website - and there to get information about the address of the store in which the system of discounts for regular shoppers.

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