Put a colleague pig!

 New year very soon. So, it's time to think about gifts - including for colleagues. The question whether or not bestow bestow colleagues should not occur if you do not want to pass for ignorant and surly.  

Business Presentation - something very special, as it is intended, as a rule, unfamiliar people, tastes and interests of which we know little, and basically do not have to know. At the same time - according to etiquette - our symbolic offering to be pleasant and helpful, inexpensive, but not cheap, it is desirable - with meaning. Agree criteria lot, so please colleagues on holiday, so much so that I myself should be grounded - not an easy task. Nevertheless, to show imagination and guided by basic rules of etiquette service, it can be solved with brilliance.

And most importantly - it should be remembered that a present business primarily serves to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team.

1. A gift does not have to be expensive - so as not to disturb the equilibrium of the business relationship, and that in no way resembles any bribery or, God forbid, a bribe. We should not forget that the work we all - officials.

2. The gift does not have to be intimate. That there is no laundry soap, stockings, perfume.

3. Packing can not overshadow the present.

4. When the service etiquette around the world are not taken to subordinates gifts to his boss. But the Christmas holidays - a happy exception to this strict ban. So on New Year leaders dare to hope for modest signs of attention on the part of its employees. Best of all chip in and make a collective, again purely symbolic offering. For example, give your lookout layout of the ship, which he will be able to decorate your room. Or as an option - a flask of stainless steel or barometer. It may also be the album art or coffee set.

What to give?

Candles, candle holders, boxes, balls on the Christmas tree, glass, Christmas dolls, books, CDs, videos, invitations to sports, concert tickets, stationery, key chains, calendars and calendars, dried flowers, angels, funny or beautiful pens, organizers, Bengal lamps, picture frames, mittens, tinsel, decorations for New Year's table - silver and gold ribbon magnets on the refrigerator.

Male or female colleagues with whom you associate more and friendly relations and about which you know that they are lovers of warm up, can present felt hat for a bath or a birch broom.

Diary for next year - a good gift option for a colleague, you still do not recognize. And in words or in a postcard expressed hope for the development and strengthening of partnerships in the coming year.

Holy work this year - "put a" funny pig on a workplace colleague. Symbol next year on the Eastern calendar - Boar, or Pig.

Recently become fashionable again to congratulate the people of postcards, especially since the original and just plain fun now set.

Should the chief act as Santa Claus?

Should not, but may. If he is smart and competent leader, he does not miss the opportunity to somehow encourage the team. His gifts can be cash prizes (commensurate personal contribution of each employee to the common cause); paid services (fitness center, car rental, training). Subordinates such delight we launched more than cute Souvenir - they are to each other and Nadar in large quantities.

Anecdote in the subject

"Dear colleagues! In the newsletter you received on behalf of the director general of the phrase "Happy New Year Pig! "Should be read without a decimal point.
Sincerely personnel department. "

How to greet business partners?

It would be ideal if your company to someone from one year to keep a record previously made gifts to its business partners. Embarrassment - two years be one and the same "surprise". There are only three things that always are universal and can be endlessly to give: chocolate candy in a luxury box, flowers, alcohol (required in the package).

Usually businessmen - people are crazy, gambling. Therefore, surely they will fall to taste different games - backgammon, chess and so on. D.

Allowed to present a nicely wrapped silk tie or scarf.

Recently, instead of a gift as such, it has become fashionable to transfer funds on behalf of a partner to some charity account.

Knives, guns in the business environment is not presented. Considered a bad omen - the breakdown of relationships.

If your business partner - a foreigner

Firstly, note that it may have to clear customs. So make sure that your gift was not bulky, heavy, forbidden to export from the country or carriage by aircraft.

Second, once and for all forget about the icons, dolls, samovar and boots. This stuff is likely your partner in bulk if it makes business for a long time in Russia. Where appropriate to albums on art, folk craft items or sports equipment, as well as decorated fruit baskets.

Third, be sure to take into account national specificities in this matter.

In England, where there are very strict about adhering to business etiquette, few things can be considered appropriate gifts such as calendars, branded pens, lighters.

In Germany, also accepted the offerings of a personal nature, especially when they can be perceived as a hidden form of bribery.

In Greece, it is believed that handkerchiefs lead to bitter tears and parting.

The Chinese are not suitable as a gift to watch: they remind us of the transience of life.

In Latin America, given the knife means a desire to terminate the relationship.

In the United States, in accordance with the requirements of business etiquette Equally important is the nature of the service relationship with those who meant a gift: it is allowed to make gifts subordinates, service personnel, but not superior.

In France, to give the portraits - a quarrel.


According to the law in general can not make major gifts:

-pravitelstvennym officials;

-Large public figures;

-sudyam and prosecutors;

-Secretary of these persons.

This offering these citizens will be treated as a disguised form of bribery. But something unknown to influential official has ever refused a present ....


Tags: pig colleague