Feng shui horoscope 2010

 2010 - the year of the Metal Tiger, which began on 4 February, the day that marks the Chinese calendar, the beginning of spring.

This year includes fire, wood and metal, and therefore, if your items on Feng Shui, this year will be the most successful for you. However, not everything is so simple, in accordance with the philosophy of Feng Shui, Fire and Wood are siblings, while the fire is opposed to metal. Therefore, if your element - it's metal, the fire and the wood, and the benefit to you will not carry. If your element is Wood, the metal will be unprofitable for you. Thus, we can say that for most peoplefeng shui horoscope 2010 bring both profits and losses.

If we talk about the Tigris, its main features are cruelty, ferocity and vigor, so the Tiger in the Chinese calendar is a symbol of power and strength. It was in this year well unfold leadership qualities of each person, however, with all of this, there may be conflicts with other people, with their families, in particular.

In matters of health should also be extremely cautious. Pay attention to the problems with the skin, tonsils, voice, as well as bone problems. The increased pressure, the problems associated with the fire accident in the sector are also at higher risk. Children, young and older people should be particularly careful to monitor their health.

This regard, overall prognosisfeng shui horoscope 2010If we talk about the signs of the Chinese calendar, it will fall under the influence of the Tigris, above all, those signs that are most closely related to the tiger, for example, people who are born in the Year of the Monkey.

We can say that for the Apes 2010 will be a year of change, but in order to be able to say exactly what changes might be waiting for them, need more detail.

In particular, knowing the exact year of birth (1944 - the year of wood monkey 1932 - the year of the water monkey, 1980 - the year of the metal monkey), we can talk about the nature of the changes more clearly. But in any case, it is those who were born in the year of the monkey, you should carefully monitor their financial situation, as well as the health, not only his but also the health of family members. As it is in 2010 in their lives may appear man who will play an important role for many years, so the monkeys should initially friendly chat with all new people.

As for the Tigers, the 2010 will not be easy for them. Particular attention should be paid to study, be wary of any surprises, including injuries from metal objects. It is necessary to persevere in their purpose, because it is from this perseverance and will depend, in fact, the achievement of this goal. But at the same time, any violations of the law or fraud may end very badly.

Snakes are in a relationship with Tiger harm. And so for snakes this year will not be favorable, they should exercise extreme caution and prudence in all spheres of life. It is not necessary to plan this year is no important cases and seek to implement their plans. Better to wait and wait for the unfavorable period of favorable alignment of the stars. Keep an eye out for your health, for the relations in the family, do not provoke any quarrels or gossip, as this may result in legal proceedings.

Remember that at the beginning of every new Chinese year there is a change in the sectors of stars, bringing significant changes, good or bad energy. However, and the arrival of each new month, the Chinese may also bring new ideas for your life. So do not be discouraged iffeng shui horoscope for 2010 promises you a little good, it is possible that very soon you will be able to realize all his plans, ideas. If you sign for a good time, take advantage of a favorable moment to the fullest.

 Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: horoscope