Love Horoscope for December

 December - the first month of winter, which largely determines the nature of our relationship with the opposite sex. Winter - the coldest time of the year, but the winter cold does not make our feelings as cold as the weather outside.

On the contrary, this winter our relations will develop quite well, and the majority of the representatives of the zodiac signs are excellent prospects find a worthy partner in life and find true love. Almost the whole month the Sun will be in the constellation of Sagittarius, as well as Mercury and Mars. Venus, goddess of love and beauty, will be in December as in Sagittarius and Capricorn. This arrangement of the stars in the sky says about our feelings and relationships as passionate, but at the same time is not very permanent. Representatives of all the zodiac signs, we advise you not to defend his opinion at the expense of other people's opinions around you, and be more flexible and compliant, especially in matters relating to love and intimate relationships. For more details of our astrological advice on all signs of the zodiac are as follows.

AriesProbably this month, especially in the beginning, you will encounter the fact that your partner can give you a reason to be jealous. However, the stars do not advise you too emotionally worry about it, because he loves you and only you.

TaurusIn December the stars you recommend to be as compliant with your partner - it may depend on the future of your relationship. Do not allow yourself the commanding tone - your partner will not like it.

GeminiYour relationship this month may be subject to severe tests. It is possible that your partner may be new sympathy on the side, so you need to firmly stand guard your relationship.

CancersYou have in the first month of winter, everything goes quite well. Your significant other may surprise you that will add brightness and sharpness of your relationship. Stars advise you not to tempt fate and try not to spoil relations with their nagging and comments. Lions, during this period the partner may bring you a series of complaints about infidelity. Nevertheless, in December such proceedings are very dangerous. If his suspicions were groundless - tenderness will quickly change his mood.

VirginThis month the stars do not advise you to arrange an emotional showdown. Utihomirte violent influence of Mars and turned his attention to the cool surface of the moon. Coldness in the relationship, in your situation, it is better militant quarrel.

LibraYou at this time it is better not to force things in your personal relationships, or your partner will not be able to be with you on the same emotional wave. Be calm and balanced, and your relationship, nothing will threaten.

ScorpionsThe first half of the month - a good time for reconciliation with a partner, if you are with him in a protracted quarrel. Do not miss a chance to make it up, otherwise continue your relationship is in question.

SagittariansIf you are able to overcome the numbing, so long restraining your impulses, this month you will feel the extraordinary rise in energy and desire to have fun and how to shake things up. Indulge in it!

CapricornsIn December you can quite steep reversal of fortune, so the stars advise you how to prepare for this. Open your heart to new relationships.

Aquarians, We advise you to a partner in this period more rest together - so you can still get closer to each other. The best place to stay in this month - your favorite cozy restaurant where a lot of friends and you can sit back and relax under the pleasant music.

Fish, It is likely that in front of you and your partner will be difficult choices about the future of your relationship. On how you make the right decision this month, depends on your personal well-being of the family for a long period.

Tags: horoscope, December