Business, career and finances - Horoscope for October 2007

 Favorable and unfavorable time of the lunar calendar for financial transactions, finding new robots, address various issues related to business and finance.

October 1 Monday.
Today favorable: any undertaking, cash transactions, change of place of work and home. Favorable time for entering into any alliances between people.

October 2, Tuesday.
Day is associated with the elucidation of the relationship between people. You must adhere to in all the law and the agreement concluded earlier. Observe in the affairs of clarity and order - no adventures. Try to talk less, stay in your own words. You can start legal processes to the restoration of justice. Favorable time for signing contracts, important negotiations and entry into a new job.

October 3, Wednesday.
A good day for the transfer of experience, training, to rethink the past and make plans for the future. Day of creativity and positive communication with partners and colleagues. Favorable time for admission to the study, the accumulation of information, meeting new people, socializing, sharing experiences. Good sign important documents sent on missions.

October 4 Thursday.
You should not lend money, otherwise you have to wait long for their return. Should not engage in new building, because it can turn into protracted. Many people have increased emotionality, sensitivity, vulnerability, so communication should be observed increased tact and care.
Useful physical work. You can begin to battle for a just solution. Do not do a lot of shopping, do not go on a long journey.

October 5, Friday.
Favorable day, especially for men. Promotes the activity of industrial enterprises, on sale (especially real estate), economic affairs. Favorable time for river and sea voyages, but not recommended trips to mountainous regions. Successfully run started in these days trials.
Try to be fair in the assessment of people and events.

October 6, Saturday.
A very active day, the day of justice and balance. Initiated proceedings should be brought to the end. Day favors closer contacts with the authorities, tying dating you with the right people. Day is good for different energetic actions and initiatives.
Undesirable long conversations, hesitation and doubt. Emerging problems are solved safely, fairly and honestly. It is not recommended to eat and sleep a lot.

 October 7 Sunday.
Good day for collaboration. Day, requiring a large collection. It is necessary to concentrate on the important and responsible business. Idleness is contraindicated. Favorable time for monetary and financial operations, material savings, long-term transactions that involve a lot of people, but in debt to give is not worth it. Listen to the advice and recommendations, they can come in handy in the future.

October 8, Monday.
Day for useful initiatives, establish contacts and communication. Take any drastic changes in their lives. Well-conceived plans to carry out a long time, but in this day can not plan anything. Live this day, listening to your inner voice.

October 9, Tuesday.
This is an opportune time for the accounting activities, financial transactions, and various kinds of calculations, as well as for any hard work and economic affairs. It is in these days of your hard work will bring you the most tangible results. Success in trading, good luck in financial transactions, brokerage and intermediary services.

October 10, Wednesday.
Critical day. Can not yield to provocations, rough and rude. More at home. It is a day for most black, heavy and serious work. Need more silent reading books. Favorable of any manual labor. Do not spend the day in dark rooms at night, do not open the windows so as not to attract the dark forces.

Oct. 11, Thursday.
This time can be beneficial for self-examination to evaluate their past actions and for new creative ideas.
Contraindicated adventures, new things, unfavorable travel. You can not lie to get angry. Be kind and compassionate to this day, then you will be in a difficult moment.

October 12, Friday.
Favorable all matters related to the conclusion of transactions, signing contracts, the acquisition of securities and real estate. A good time for business and travel. The day is favorable for shopping. Give gifts that will bring joy to you and others.

October 13, Saturday.
This is a very good period for making the most risky, the most serious decisions.
On this day, you are in control of Heaven. In dealing Be diplomacy, be polite and hospitable. Very good day for contacts, acquaintances, exchange of experience, information. Good time for monetary and financial transactions, obtaining loans.

October 14, Sunday.
Hard day. Give up all important matters. It is recommended that hard work, solitude. Postpone travel, business contacts. It is not recommended to start new things, bad to be in crowded areas. In all that you do today, keep the clarity and restraint.

October 15, Monday.
Day of active contacts, good for trade. Increased diplomacy and risk appetite. However, you should try not to take hasty decisions. There is a danger to fall victim to the machinations of rivals.

October 16 Tuesday.
Day does not have to over-activity. Aim for a sober assessment of reality. Finish the old case. It is not recommended to do business associated with the land or building. The thinking of many people tends to abstraction and generalization, while specific questions and earthly problems are solved with difficulty.

October 17, Wednesday.
Auspicious day to engage in legal matters, to solve legal problems. Create and apply the chain of command statements, claims, demands, making new acquaintances necessary, strengthen old ties. You can start a new business - they will benefit you and benefit.

October 18, Thursday.
On this day, well-realized ideas that emerged yesterday. It is possible to get support from other people. It should be especially careful and responsible attitude to their words. If you are able to show their organization, then this period will be very fruitful for the business.

October 19, Friday.
One should not expect new financial opportunities and large profits. In money matters may be delays and losses. Should not wait for the favor of state bodies and higher authorities.
Do not waste time in idle talk and pointless exercises. It is necessary to stand firm principles, thoroughness, seriousness, respect the culture of communication.

October 20, Saturday.
Very stressful day, requiring fighting deceit, deceptions and illusions. You can accumulate discontent people around you, but to conflict with them on this day is dangerous for both sides. Good to do those things that have long been developed and require only continue.

October 21, Sunday.
Period favorable for various innovations, the introduction of new technologies to work with appliances, computers, for intellectual and creative activities, for learning and self-education, for lectures and presentations.

October 22, Monday.
One of the best days of the lunar month. Feel free to implement their ideas, embodies the life of the case, which started yesterday. But keep in mind that since this day is very powerful energy, we must be very cautious and careful when performing any business. You can not swear or raise his voice.

Oct. 23, Tuesday.
Day unfavorable for interpersonal relationships, in business you can wait for the test, disagreements and conflicts. On this day, well give vent to their emotions in the field of charity, have mercy: give gifts, give alms, to comply with requests.

October 24, Wednesday.
This day is good to devote an honest analysis of their mistakes and failures analysis. If you really will make a lesson from this, then you will have opportunities to strengthen its position in the eyes of others, it is possible surge of creative energy.
Do not start court proceedings and not to conduct real estate transactions.

October 25, Thursday.
Auspicious day to start any important matter, to exit with their proposals to the next level, for the use of information and call for anything. However, before we get to work, it is desirable to first think all is well.

October 26, Friday.
Increases the risk of quarrels and confrontations. Do not deal with cases that require precise calculations and reporting solutions uncertain financial problems. Generally not recommended to engage in things that can not be solved by one "swoop" and that require a certain responsibility. You should not sign contracts, enter into contracts, to conduct important negotiations.

October 27, Saturday.
Day crises, acute problems that need to be immediately addressed. It is necessary to do everything fast, like lightning, the planned action is not recommended, it is better to do many different things and quickly switch from one to another. You can not be lazy, plenty of sleep and indulge in despondency.

October 28, Sunday.
Day at leisure, home. You can not overwork. Can not be actively engaged in addressing social issues.

October 29, Monday.
Adverse day in which you will be required restraint and prudence. Perhaps the difficulty of business relations, the occurrence of unexpected problems "out of nothing". Better communicate less, great exposure "evil eye." Any sign of this day should be taken as an indication.

October 30 Tuesday.
Many people these days are not in a state of concentration and depth to engage in any one activity, it would be desirable to keep switching from one to another, it is difficult to sit still, can precipitate action. Therefore it is necessary to postpone the case, requires more attention, not to engage in long-term projects and large-scale designs, and to do "routine."

October 31, Wednesday.
A very bad day for work in a team, for signing the contracts. Possible conflicts at work and outside of it. It is best to spend the day in solitude.
Do not plan on the matter today, associated with stress and high impact strength. Contraindicated financial transactions.

Tags: business, horoscope, career, finances