Wedding horoscope 2008: The best date for the wedding

 Elective astrology, astrology or timing - this is a very important and useful section of astrological knowledge. With the selection of favorable dates for the beginning of the case, we can significantly improve his fate - whether it will be successful, durable, how many benefits we bring. As a rule, find the perfect date is almost impossible. A very good very rare. It is important that not only was happy horoscope business itself, but also to fit the selected date to sign the birth of the one who picks the case.

Indeed, if it is not, then, firstly, the event may not occur in the designated day astrologer because some external circumstances. Second, if it is still being implemented, then with high probability, can not simply benefit to his master, "to live" separate from his life, or at all, and pass into the hands of another person.

While this in itself is the case can be very prosperous, because he has a good horoscope. Therefore, in order to pick up an almost perfect date, sometimes have to wait a very long time - months or even years. That, of course, difficult to implement in practice.

But just a good date to pick up much easier. And that we have benefited greatly from the fact that we can pick a date at least not carrying a significant negative potential and rapid destruction of the planned works, and say no! Even if we exclude just adverse date, we thus significantly simplify your life.

In personal relationships, for example, it is important, at which time there was familiarity between people. From this, as well as their compatibility and horoscope of the projected birth horoscope potential of each of them in personal relationships, determine the nature of their relationship.

You can choose the time for an important meeting, negotiations, or to make someone an impression. It is not necessary at the wrong time to make serious proposals to sign a contract, to start an important conversation. And if you can get astrological advice on choosing the date of the meeting, it is a big plus. There are a lot of rules. For example, to assign the case is very well connected with the relationship, in the so-called Venus clock.

To impress a reputable person and succeed well in contact with other people in the hour of Jupiter. It is important not to start anything important on a bad moon, etc. etc. Of course, it is very important to the favorable time to marry, largely laying the good fortune of his family.

And to the choice of the date of registration of relations should be taken seriously. It's about choosing a good date for the marriage in 2008 and will be discussed in this article.

I considered only Friday and Saturday, 2008 as the most popular day for marriage. Of all the Fridays and Saturdays this year, I will list the most favorable, as well as the ones I would not recommend for this event. However, at the outset to draw your attention that no matter how careful was not a general forecast for all, it is very important individual selection date, specifically for each person.

Therefore it is best to refer the matter for an individual astrological advice. For one person, the date can be very good, and for another - not so. But still prosperous general trends - it is not enough for a successful course of business.

The best dates in 2008 for the registration of marriage (From Friday and Saturday):

On 23 February.

Encouraged to enter into a marriage in this day not earlier than 11 am Moscow time. The good aspects of the planet Venus love this day a positive impact on the couple's relationship in the future. The Union will be largely based on a friendly basis, equality and independence. Will be a lot of communication, common interests, sympathy, tenderness, sensitivity with respect to each other. But there is a minus - difficulties with the implementation itself, especially my husband. As well as susceptibility to the influence of illusions.

On May 9th.

This day is perfect for a wedding. He is one of the happiest days in 2008 for this event. So try not to miss your chance! Strong Venus in his monastery, as strong moon, which, in addition, also in harmonious aspect to the Sun - it is a very good factor for laying the foundation of a happy family.

Harmonious aspect of the Sun to the planet Jupiter-benefactor will pair the success and all the best. Participation Uranus - Add friendship. Relations are expected to be strong, stable, full of love, loyalty, physical pleasures, wealth and prosperity. The downside is that the woman in this pair will be in a relationship influential men.

May 16.

This date has a similar description with the date May 9, although less successful. But a strong Venus and some other factors lead us to expect good prospects for marriage entered into this day. However, there are several negative factors - love is not so garmonimchna and there is a danger of dishonesty in relationships. But overall a good date.

June 28.

Enclosed in this day marriage promises to be quite stable and successful. One of the strongest factors in favor of this - a harmonious aspect of the Sun to the Moon, which also is in a strong position and in mutual reception with Venus. Love and sincerity, sensitivity, commitment to home and children, as well as a fairly closed way of life is characteristic of this union.

August 2nd.

This date is not included in the number of very good, but also very worthy of attention. Conjunction of the Moon and Venus - a great advantage of this day. However, all other factors, I would call fairly neutral. But it is also good and what serious negative here either. Strong sun makes her husband the family influential and confident. A completed Leo will make the ratio of the brightness, a lot of holidays and romance. Would be nice if the couple will continue to pay attention, give gifts, look after each other throughout their lives, and not just at the beginning of the marriage.

September 6th.

This day is suitable for marriage, but not before 10:30 am Moscow time. Venus again in a strong position, with good aspect of the moon at the reception with her, Luna running benefactor of Jupiter and filled Libra will give this union harmony, reliable partnership and love. And love is going to be very strong because of the conjunction of Venus with Mars in the monastery. But there can not do without the drama and passions. However, Venus is much stronger than Mars, which is weak. This means that the harmony is still more, largely due to the strength of women in this union.

12th September.

This is another good date yielding to a happy marriage in September 2008. Have advantages on September 9, but much better than him. Conjunction of Venus and Mars have divergent and harmony will be more. A Moon trine Venus promises a wonderful union. Venus remains strong, as in all the September dates, which I list. Although this will not be without a pair of periodic sharp turns, yet good influence is much greater.

September 19.

This day, like May 9 - another excellent opportunity to make a happy family unit. It is these two dates, I stand out as the best for the wedding among the Friday and Saturday, 2008. Venus is still in his monastery, the moon - very strong and running Venus, the Moon trine to the Sun - it is very, very favorable indications of a good attitude, full of love and understanding. Mars has moved away from the junction with Venus, thereby considerably weakening the drama of previous dates. The downside is that the weakness of Mars makes her husband's wife is weaker in these relationships and reduces ambitions couples in general. However, this is unlikely to spoil the harmony of this union.

20th September.

The date is not very good, but Venus is still strong and there is no serious contraindications. Therefore, we can expect that the Union will be a good. However, if you can still choose a different date, I would advise you to do it. As a first aspect of the Moon warns that not everything will be smooth in this marriage. But it opens later.

On 22 November.

The date for the wedding is only for 45 minutes - from 11:30 to 12:15 Moscow time. If the registration will take place in this time frame, you can count on a good union. There is one good aspect.

December 13th.

If you do not mind Christmas post, you can register and relations in December. 13 of the moon will be very strong, and Venus promises karmic happy union. But registration must be appointed until 10 am Moscow time. And even better - after 12.

On 20 December.

There is a good aspect of Venus and no significant disadvantages. We can therefore expect that the registration of relations in this day promises favorable course of events in the marriage. Although to say that the day is very good, can not either.

Especially for those who are going to get marriedI can say that of the above dates (including Friday and Saturday) for a wedding fit only four: 9 and 16 May, and 16 and 19 September 2008. On the other days wedding will not take place. Because they do not take place in the days of posts and religious holidays. Also, many listed me dates falls on a Saturday, and on Saturdays, too, is not crowned.

We would like to note the date Friday and Saturday to marry in that I would not recommend because of various negative influences. If possible, it is better to choose for this event more suitable date. To at least do not add yourself problems.

Adverse date for the marriage in 2008
(Only among the Friday and Saturday):

Throughout January, 1, 2, 8, 9, February 16, all of March and April, 10, 17, 23, 24, 30, May 31 through June 11, 12, 18, July 25, all but 2 of August, 5, 13, 26, September 27, 1, 8, 21, 28, November 29, 5, 12, 19, 27 of December.

Hopefully, this year will be born many happy families and love in the world will be at least a little more. Wishing you all the love and well-being for years to come,astrologer Jan Novikov.

Tags: horoscope, marriage