Make friends with the Moon

 Again broken heel, the chief yelled and pet dog made a puddle in the hallway - well, what kind of a bad day today ?, - do you think, tearing their anger on your favorite. And in response to get a legitimate: Do not you have PMS?

The most amazing thing is that these days (as well as light, bright, calm - when everything works) occur with surprising regularity. You can, of course, think that it is a black and white stripe of life, and you can buy a tear-off calendar, which bear the signs of the zodiac, which is the moon, and to control their emotions. Yes, very much depends on the satellite of the earth, which controls our emotional sphere. And most of the trouble can be avoided if they are ready. You unbalanced and emotional addiction to his character? Then you should not plan serious negotiations, when the moon is in Scorpio or Aries. If it is possible to transfer a business meeting, it is best to hold it when the Earth's moon is in Virgo. But all in order.

Moon in Aries.
You're angry, and became willing to act emotionally unrestrained. During this period, possible rash acts, because I am terribly pulls on risky adventures. You and pulls pokonfliktovat with someone or find out the relationship with family and friends, so the question: "Do you love me? "Can result in a serious scandal, because you do not like the answer, or the tone in which it is made. During this period, you can scare others with their impulsiveness. By the way, at this time of increased appetite (especially after an argument), so be carefully - it is not the best time to start a diet. And do not forget that this also applies to the behavior of others - so be ready to scandals from the side.

Moon in Taurus.
After active Aries scandals come peace and tranquility, there is a desire to do household chores (eg, glue previously broken dishes), and plunge into the atmosphere of comfort (at that time thrown out white flags). You want to go shopping, calm their nerves stroll through the boutiques and grocery hypermarket. And then a delicious and hearty meal - it is desirable and in good company, so you can invite your friends. And most importantly - no conflict! Everywhere there is peace and harmony. Here it is a good time to ask for a raise.

Moon in Gemini.
Are you ready to split in two - restless, active, and you want to catch everywhere at once - go to the store, to meet with an old friend, a classmate taxied to the movies, skylight in any kind of courses to meet their dream on a dating site and take a little trip around the world. Stop! Such haste and restlessness can lead to heightened nervousness, feelings that you do not have time (and thus a tranquilizer - it you want?) And the inability to focus on the essentials. And your inattention could cause an accident, not only on the road.

Moon in Cancer.
You calmed down and realized a real woman? Hence, the moon has moved into a new sign. You are exacerbated sensitivity and intuition, awakened maternal instinct and love for children and ... money. Well, yes, you really just want the stability and reliability - a desire to acquire a strong shoulder near. And I want to close rapport with you people. If during this period you will wake up uncharacteristic sentimentality, do not be surprised, but do not rush to pick up all in a row of street kittens - then you can regret. During this period, many people want to withdraw into himself, to immerse themselves in the study of all things and the mystical secrets of the world, at the same time we should not forget about reality.

Moon in Leo.
King of beasts, awakened in you, trying to attract attention, so do not forget about the dress code, even if you really want to wear to work or frank mini scarlet blouse with gold flowers. At this time, strengthens self-confidence, so you want to indulge in all serious and overspend right and left - so shopping is better to cancel, and then it will be a headache on the topic: "Why did I bought it? ". Also keep in mind that your newfound weakness for Gift shamelessly use unscrupulous Casanova. Feel like a queen, of course, is good, but pride and ambition - not the best character traits, activity appears at this time.

Moon in Virgo.
If you are once again wondering about diet and exercises in the morning and again started to shake up your wardrobe, then the Moon moved into the most feminine sign. The best indicator of it - it's pronounced activity aimed at work. Are you ready to move mountains and exceed all the plans, but prevents you from nowhere who had taken pobryuzzhat desire, to criticize others, grumble and find fault with the details. Probably so, the mood could deteriorate because of some trifles. But it is now easier to turn off the emotions and press the power button qualities such as self-discipline, clarity, methodically and consistently. The main thing is not to do it in relations with close - they may not like it.

Moon in Scorpio.
Manage their mood is almost impossible - it is changing very quickly and very dramatically. Conflicts arise almost from scratch (reasons may be as finance, and sex), because you want to dominate the family and friends, to command and demand unquestioning obedience - may still not worth it to pretend to Napoleon? No, it is certainly clear that I want to do away with the old order once and for all, and achieve their goals by any means, but a revolution in the family may end up not very good, and at work - even worse. Particular care needs to be in a relationship - jealousy is almost impossible to keep, while clarifying the relationship and would like to remember all the old resentments. The best advice at this time: "Keep your hands! ".

Moon in Sagittarius.
Again begins to grow business activity, you're turning into a smiling optimist and all fontaniruesh new ideas. There is a tendency to philosophize, an example (especially for children) and someone has something to teach. Do not overdo it - if your advice is not asked, it is not the fact that he will be happy. When purchasing clothing Be accurate - too now expressed the desire for extravagance. Yes, and relationships with loved ones may not always be smooth - with heightened emotionality you demand that they aspired to the ideals imposed on you.

Moon in Capricorn.
Cut wood during the passage through the Earth's satellite shooting sign, you suddenly become cautious and restrained. That, however, is very useful to achieve professional and domestic stability. For this you are ready to take on any part because they want more funds for yourself and your family, you want to establish themselves, achieve success and feel the significance of his own person. However, from work you can distract parents and their problems. But where did this get away from? Now is the time to establish contacts with the older generation, because they so need your support.

Moon in Aquarius.
The most altruistic sign awakens in you the desire to help everyone and protect all, just do it in their own way - to plant their own attitudes and beliefs. Hardly surrounding this rapidly rejoice. The more that you become moody, uncertain in the desire of the child, who considers himself an adult and strives for independence and freedom. As you just said fear of emotional attachment, so if you offer "soup set" in the form of marriage, do not rush to send a loved one away for a long time, just promise me think and respond later.

Moon in Pisces.
You're looking for a soul that will warm you, because there was a feeling of vulnerability and loneliness. Lyrical mood - are drawn to poetry, music, literature and art - it's time to go somewhere in the theater or opera. May appear lethargy and sentimentality and gulf business spirit and willingness to work. But due to the fact that very aggravated intuition, you can easily feel the flow of energy around you and catch the one that you need. The most negative aspect of this period - a huge amount of emotional breakdown. By the way, at this period is the most suicides.

Tags: moon