
 Palla - Ancient Roman women's clothing in the form of a quadrangular plaid. Originally used as a palla underwear, but later it did outerwear output. Put pallu worked as follows: one end of the sprinkles on the left shoulder, the middle part of the back wrapped. A second end or thrown over the right shoulder, or pokes through the right rear ...
 Palla - Ancient Roman women's clothing in the form of a quadrangular plaid. Originally used as a palla underwear, but later it did outerwear output. Put pallu worked as follows: one end of the sprinkles on the left shoulder, the middle part of the back wrapped. A second end or thrown over the right shoulder or the back slips through his right arm. In bad weather in pallu worked with head wraps. Sometimes in these clothes used various fasteners and belt, and it is decorated with embroidery. Wore pallu worked mostly women from not noble and poor families.