
 Casing - male and female outerwear, is mentioned in the Old Slavonic epic "Lay" (the end of the XII century.). As the main material used skin of different animals: bear, sheepskin, sable, etc. Shilsya fur inside casing, and skin, respectively, outwardly. However, poor people in inclement weather were inside his skin ....
 Casing - male and female outerwear, is mentioned in the Old Slavonic epic "Lay" (the end of the XII century.). As the main material used skin of different animals: bear, sheepskin, sable, etc. Shilsya fur inside casing, and skin, respectively, outwardly. However, poor people in inclement weather wore his skin inside. The members of the wealthy classes could afford indoor enclosures, which are sewn on top of fancy fabrics (satin, velvet, lace, etc.), Gold-matter or even jewels in the form of pearls. Also, rich people could afford to hide more noble animals, weasels, martens, sables, etc., in contrast to the poor, who wore sheepskin and bear enclosure. Do Ukrainians and Belarusians housing was considered an indispensable part of the bride's dowry.